Each week we record the sermon in an audio file. You can subscribe to these podcasts on iTunes and Google Music or you can visit here to listen to the sermons you've missed.
Feb 16, 2025 - Life in the Spirit
One Command, One Promise Life in the Spirit Galatians 5:16-26 Pastor Dave Schneider v. 16 – “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.” Flesh vs. Spirit 5 propositions about life in the flesh 1. It is lived in the body 2. It is centered around the self 3. It is self-oriented, self-directed, self-governed, and self-empowered 4. The goal is to build up one’s own reputation 5. The basic drive is control 5 Propositions about life in the Spirit 1. It is also lived in the body 2. It is centered around the living God 3. It is God-oriented, God-directed, God-governed, and God-empowered 4. The goal is to build up God’s reputation 5. The basic drive is to surrender Two radically opposing ways of living produce radically different qualities of life. The acts of the flesh (vs. 19-21) versus the fruit of the Spirit (vs. 22-23).
Empowered: The Journey of Living in the Spirit
Empowered: The Journey of Living in the Spirit Drink. Be Filled. Repeat. John 7:37-39 & Ephesians 5:15-20 How Do We Drink? Hebrews 10:22-25 • We draw near to God with sincerity and with faith that He hears us. • We get our hearts and bodies washed up regularly with confession and forgiveness. • We hold on to hope in God’s faithfulness even when life looks hopeless. • We thoughtfully encourage one another towards love and good deeds. • We keep meeting together for prayer and the study of God’s Word. Philippians 4:8-9 • Meditate and focus on things that are true, pure and right. • Watch other mature believers and imitate the actions that reflect the life and heart of Jesus What Does It Mean To Be Filled? Ephesians 5:15-20 • As wine influences a person’s perception in many ways, live under the influence of Holy Spirit. • Under the influence of Holy Spirit, we will receive the wisdom we need to address the tension and evil of our days. • Under the influence of Holy Spirit, we will understand the will of God. • UndertheinfluenceofHolySpirit,wewillbeledtoapplyScriptureandsongs with regularity in our lives. Have you ever sensed a nudging from Holy Spirit to do something, like calling a person out of the blue, or writing an encouraging note? Share your experience with a friend. Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt divine protection, peace, provision, or a boldness to do something unusual? Did you recognize that to be the work of Holy Spirit in your life? Is there a way that you want to draw closer to God in obedience and experience Holy Spirit more frequently in your life? Express your heart’s desire in prayer to God.
The Holy Spirit: Receiving and Indwelling
Ephesians 1:13-14; Acts 2:38-39; Romans 8:9-11
Terry Okken's Ordination
Terry Okken is Ordinated today
Searching for the One
We launch our new series entitled “Empowered: The Journey of Living in the Spirit”, with an Epiphany sermon. We will discover how the same Spirit that guided the Three Wise Men continues to guide us today to glorify the Lord Jesus.
Advent2024 He Will Be Called: Everlasting Father
Used politically, the term “Father” expresses the power of a leader to give life, sustain life, and guide the life of a nation into the future. Christ and his Kingdom is the fulfillment of the divine title “Everlasting Father.” Colossians 1:13-20 The foundational source of this Fatherhood and all its implications is based on the nature of God. God is love; 1 John 4:7-16. Questions for Reflection • How would you rate yourself as an “employee” of the Kingdom? Do people encounter the peace, justice, and righteousness of Christ in you? • What is one or two words you would use to describe your experience of God as father? Ask the Holy Spirit if he would like to communicate another aspect of the fatherhood of God in your life.
And He Will Be Called... Wonderful Counselor
Isaiah 9:2-7 ESV
And He Will Be Called... Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:2-7 ESV
Dec 1, 2024 - He Will Be Called... Mighty God
Dec 1, 2024 - He Will Be Called... Mighty God
Arrogance & Anxiety
Arrogance and Anxiety are connected. If only or in spite of? Passive victims or mighty warriors? What is your role? What does God do?
Together Through the Storms
In the midst of the suffering that we face, we are invited into deep community and real hope
The Call
Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are delighted that we have this opportunity to join together with you in heartfelt worship. We aspire to be people that fulfil our calling as sisters and brothers in the Family of God as we love God and love one another. We are not perfect here; but Jesus is. By His grace, we are His church. You are welcome here.
I. The call to inherit the blessing, because the eyes and ears of the Lord are on the righteous (8-12). II. The call for a correct attitude toward suffering (13-22).
Living as God’s People: Freedom, Suffering, and Ho
Peter teaches that loyalty to God should rule one’s inner life despite one’s outward circumstances. 1. Living together as the people of God means using our freedom for good. 2. Living together as the people of God means living a life shaped by the crucified Christ. 3. Living together as the people of God means honoring each other in marriage and close relationships.
Grace Makes Beauty Out Of Ugly Things
1. Grace to be holy (1:13-21) By grace, 1:1-2 – we have been chosen for covenantal affection by God’s foreknowledge. 1:3 – we have been born again to a living hope 1:4 – we have an inheritance that is perfect in every way 1:5 – we are protected by God 1:6-7 – we are being refined 1:8 – we are swimming in faithful love 1:10-12 – we are what the prophets and angels all point toward and are captivated by 2. Grace to love one another (1:22-2:3) 3. Grace for the world (1 Peter 2:4-12)
October 20th, 2024
the sermon from October 20th 2024
Oct 13, 2024- The One Anothers in Action
A Generous Life
Oct. 6, 2024 - Encouraging One Another
Encouragement is essential—not only to lift us from moments of isolation but also to strengthen the bonds within our community and propel us forward in our shared journey of following Jesus. Drawing from our passage in Hebrews, we’ll explore three simple yet powerful ways to encourage others through the invitations: “Come with,” “Come in,” and “Come on!”
Since I have been raised with Christ...
Colossians 3:1-14 We don’t rise to the level of our morals and virtues. We fall to the level of our beliefs which are reinforced by our perceived identity, our thought patterns, and our actions.
Live in Harmony With One Another
Romans 12:16 Group Discussion Questions 1. Make a list of what God accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. 2. Make a list of our church’s ministries. How do they align with God’s quest of reconciliation? 3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20. What do we learn about God? About ourselves? 4. What might need to shift in our posture and practice with one another so that we are living as people that are reconciled and reconciling? 5. Identify the one issue in your personal life, in your context, or in the world that is broken, and that Jesus is calling you to go with Him. What is your role in the next 10 min? 10 days? Ten months to humbly move toward the messiness?
Serving One Another
1 Peter 4:7-11 NRSV Spiritual Gifts
Loving One Another
John 13:31-35 ESV
The Secret to Contentment
Philippians 4:10-23
Deeper Joy - Practices for Difficult Times
We each encounter challenges in life, even if we’re living for God. Sometimes it’s our fault, but sometimes life just happens. This message identifies three powerful lessons and four practices to successfully navigate life’s difficulties
Aug. 18, 2024 - Deeper Joy - Dealing with Conflict
Paul, as he wraps up his message, resounds a recurring theme in the Book of Philippians – that the church be of one accord; 1: 27, 2: 1 – 4, which he also exemplifies in his relationship with Timothy; 1: 20. He reaches into time and echoes the message from Christ’s prayer for the Believers, that we may all be one, as Christ and God the Father are one! – John 17: 20 – 23
Aug. 11, 2024 - Maturity, Mentors and Mindset
We aspire to be people that fulfil our calling as sisters and brothers in the Family of God as we love God and love one another. We are not perfect here; but Jesus is. By His grace, we are His church. “There is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.” ~ Dallas Willard
Aug. 4, 2024 - The Joy in Christ' Righteousness
Paul encourages the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord and warns them against false teachers who put confidence in the flesh. He contrasts this with his own background and achievements, which he now considers worthless compared to knowing Christ. The surpassing value of knowing Jesus and gaining righteousness through faith in Him is what ultimately gives the believer a deeper joy. Paul is able to consider all of his works as rubbish because he has experienced something supremely greater.
A Deeper Joy In Being Co-Workers In Christ
Philippians 2:19-30
A Deeper Joy
Philippians 2:12-18
What Is Your Problem?
Freedom in Christ that cries out against others with hate and division is not true freedom. Freedom that remains passive in a culture of hate and ignores that lives are being destroyed, is no freedom at all. We do have the freedom in Christ to use the weapons of prayer, kindness, and above all else, love.
We’ll explore some important aspects of this prayer.
Jun 30th, 2024 - It’s All About Perspective
As we continue our series through the book of Philippians, we come today to Paul’s response to the question about his wellbeing. The believers in Philippi have sent a care package and a visitor to check in on Paul as they want to know how he is doing, knowing he has been in prison for a long time already.
God's Eternal Heart
Aligning our hearts to what has eternal value. (Luke 4:13-30)
June 16, 2024 - Deeper Joy
Today, we begin a series of sermons through the book of Philippians. The book is actually a letter Paul wrote to the church in the city of Philippi and even though the letter was written from a place of imprisonment, a significant theme that emerges is joy.
June 9, 2024 GOD'S LOVE
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (v. 8)
Embracing God’s Will
Matthew 26:53-54 ESV
May 26 - Who Appointed Me Judge Between You?
Today, we see Jesus speak into a polarized situation with the question, “Who appointed Me a judge or an arbiter between you?”
The Call and Cost of Discipleship
Luke 9:23-27 ESV
John 2:1-11 • We’re looking at the questions of Jesus to help us discover the concerns that are on His heart. • On this Mother’s Day, we’ll look at a question Jesus asked His mother, “Woman, why do you involve me?” (v. 4) • In answering as He does, Jesus clarified that He was not about to change water into wine just to satisfy His mother’s request. Rather, it’s purpose was to act as a sign (v. 11) pointing to His true identity and foreshadowing His true mission.
May 5, 2024 - What Do You Want?
In John 1:37 Jesus asks the question, “What do you want?” When we consider that this is the Son of God talking to two ordinary people, it is quite unexpected and even remarkable.
Apr. 28, 2024 - Do You See This Woman?
Today, we are unpacking a passage about hosting the Lord. Simon, a Pharisee who knew the customs and expectations around hosting an honored guest, failed to fulfill his duties. But an unwelcomed woman steps in and lavishly provides, hosting Jesus with the expression of her heart’s gratitude.
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
Today we will continue this year’s series, "Dwelling in Christ". Jesus consistently refers to His creation in His teaching. On this Earth Day weekend, Pastor Dan will give consideration to our role in creation care and how we align with Jesus when we allow others to know the Creator.
What Were You Arguing About?
Mark 9:30-36; Luke 22:24-26 • We’re looking at the questions of Jesus to help us discover the concerns that are on His heart. • In asking His disciples, “What were you arguing about on the road?” (Mk. 9:33), Jesus was exposing the way they looked for greatness in self-promotion. There are several places He addressed this issue and we’ll explore His teaching using two categories...
We’re looking at the questions of Jesus to help us discover the concerns that are on Jesus’ heart. The question, “What is the Kingdom of God like?" is one Jesus often answered (Mark 4:30,33)
When Love Comes To Town
Today we will continue this year’s series, "Dwelling in Christ". Today is Palm Sunday, the first day of what is known as Holy Week. Pastor Dan will be devoting this worship service to the profound difference in the lives of many on the day that Jesus came to Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-17
Do You Understand?
John 13:1-17
Where Are You Seated?
Matthew 23:16-22
Mar. 3, 2024 - Does this offend you?
Pastor Melissa continues in our series around the theme, “Dwelling in Christ,” in which we are focusing on various questions that Jesus asked His followers. Today, we will be considering Jesus’ words from John 6:51-69, where He states, “My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” This challenged even His disciples and the reality was that many of those who initially followed Jesus left him. “Does this offend you?” Jesus asked.
The Prodigal Son – God's Love and Embrace
Luke 15:11-32 ESV
The 99 for the 1 – God's Unrelenting Love
Luke 15:1-7 ESV
Feb 11, 2024 Beyond Belief
John 11: 25, 26
Can Any One Of You By Worrying Add A Single Hour.
Feb 4, 2024
Today we will continue this semester’s series ‘Questions Jesus Asked’ which is part of this year’s theme, ‘Dwelling in Christ’. We are discovering that depending upon the person, Jesus’s questions were thought to be provocative, restorative, challenging or comforting; however, they were always transformative. As Jesus continues His quest to teach and display the Kingdom of God, Luke 8 reveals that the Jesus Way is filled with a movement that is breaking down ungodly barriers with a message that is welcoming and motivated by love.
• In the midst of overwhelming need and opportunity in our world, we can often feel totally inadequate to offer any response. • As Jesus stood before a crowd well in excess of 5000, He asked His disciples to feed them. When all they could see was the human impossibility of the task, Jesus simply asked, “How many loaves do you have?” (Mark 6:38) • This question comes to us today as God’s invitation to get involved in addressing the overwhelming need all around us without getting overwhelmed ourselves.
Dec. 17, 2023 - The Wonder of His Joy
Today we will hear from all ages of our congregation helping us celebrate the coming of the Christ Child. It is no coincidence that as we move through the series of themes for season of Advent, today we are lighting the candle of Joy. Our prayer is that today you will experience his Joy through not just watching but joining in the celebration.
Dec 10, 2023 The Wonder of his piece
1. God’s Vision for Peace – Genesis 1 2. The Mess We’ve Made – Isaiah 1:2-4 3. God Restores Peace – Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 61:1-3
Nov. 5, 2023- Not Only Freed From, But Freed For
Galatians 5 1-15
Oct 29, 2023 - Maturity, Freedom & Jerusalem Above
We will continue the series "Dwelling in Freedom" as we draw from Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
Jul. 30, 2023 - Walking with God Through Good&Bad
Today, as we continue a series of messages exploring the life of David, we come to the story of Ziklag (1 Samuel 30). While it begins in the pit of despair as Ziklag is burned and plundered, it ends in celebration as all that was taken is recovered. It’s interesting to note that both situations, despair and prosperity, presented significant challenges to godly faithfulness. While we see many of David’s men fall prey to these challenges and turn from God’s way, David was able to keep his eyes fixed on God’s perspective and stay true to God.
Jul. 16, 2023 - Sojourners & Scriptures
Introduction / The Immigration Challege 1. A Threat Or An Opportunity? - At the end of Genesis, we encounter a Pharaoh who sees a great opportunity in Joseph. (Genesis 41:37-40) - At the beginning of Exodus, we find a quite different response to strangers: a new Pharaoh grounded in fear. (Exodus 1:8-11) 2. Thinking Biblically About Immigration God also has specific instructions for His people about how to treat strangers. 3⁄4 Exodus 23:9 - Leviticus 19:33-34 Lessons from the passage Hebrews 11:8-16 - Pilgrims and Strangers - Their confidence - Their witness - Their quest or mission 3⁄4 Their discernment
Conclusion The Bible insists on an indissoluble link between ethics and mission. In Genesis 18:18-19, how we live makes a difference to the success of our mission and evangelism. - Mathew 28
Jul. 9, 2023 - 1 Samuel 24
In our summer series, we are looking at the life of David. In 1 Samuel 24, two men are in a dark cavernous cave, but one exits broken and the other victorious. One with honour even more firmly intact and the other in humiliation. The cave at Engedi was one of the main litmus tests of character for David and Saul. Our character is built by our response to life’s trials, hurts, hopes, dreams. Our responses are based on how we seek to meet three of our basic needs: security, significance, and acceptance. Where and when do we look to God to meet these needs? Where and when do we look to the world and our flesh to instead meet those needs?
July 2, 2023 - No Greater love
Today as we continue a series of messages exploring the life of David we look at David’s extraordinary friendship with Jonathan, the son of King Saul.
Jun. 25, 2023 -
Today, as we continue a series of messages exploring the life of David, we look in on him during a very dark chapter of his story. As 1 Samuel 22 opens, we find David fleeing for his life and alone in a cave. While in the cave, God graciously and profoundly met David and shone the light of His grace into David’s disorienting darkness. Today we’ll see how God’s grace came to David and how David “pulled back the curtains” to let this light in.
Jun. 18, 2023 - God-Dominated Imaginations
It is easy to over simplify this story and see it as God’s blanket promise to overcome all the challenges in our lives according to our plans and our timing. In context, it is more about David, as anointed king, revealing his faith in God’s absolute capacity to overcome any challenges against His good and eternal purposes.
Jun. 11, 2023 - God's Story or Mine?
We’ll begin today with the story of David’s anointing. In a world that increasingly places self at the center of the universe, David’s example reveals a much more life- giving posture. We’ll look at the way of life he models in contrast to that of Samuel, Jesse and David’s brothers.
In our Sunday services, we are currently exploring a number of “practices” that give shape to what it means to be in right relationship with God, with one another and with our neighbours.
May 7, 2023 - Growing Together As A Witness
We are in a series looking at a number of “practices” designed to create space for God to transform us in our relationship with Himself, with one another and with our neighbours. This week, we will focus on the practice of “Kingdom Participation” and its challenge to see Christ-like character growth as crucial to representing Christ authentically in the world. (2 Cor. 3:2-3; 1 Peter 3:15) In Galatians 5, Paul talks about Christian growth using the picture of character as fruit developed in us by God’s Spirit. It is important to note that the context of this growth is significantly “plural.”
This Sunday, the MOBY youth takeover the service and share about their upcoming missions trip to Mexico this summer.
Apr. 23, 2023 - Kingdom Participation - Giving
We are in a series looking at a number of “practices” designed to create space for God to transform us in our relationship with Himself, with one another and with our neighbours. This week, we will focus on the practice of “Kingdom Participation” and its invitation to give out of our material resources toward the work God is doing in the world.
Apr. 9, 2023 - EASTER SUNDAY
We are in a series looking at a number of “practices” designed to create space for God to transform us in our relationship with Himself, with one another and with our neighbours. This week, we will focus on the practice of “Kingdom Participation” as it challenges us to intentionally engage the reality that, as Christ’s followers, we are given the privilege of serving our King. (Rev. 1:5b-6)
Apr. 2, 2023 - Reconciliation - The Olive Branch
We are in a series looking at a number of “practices” designed to create space for God to transform us in our relationship with Himself, with one another and with our neighbours. This week, we will focus on the practice of “Reconciliation.” • On this Palm Sunday, it’s easy to identify with the crowd waving palm branches to Jesus as King. At a very practical level, however, Jesus challenges us to follow Him as King by having our palm-waving take the form of extending olive branches (initiating resolution) toward others. (Rom. 12:18; Heb. 12:14) • The conflict resolution we see in Acts 15 challenges us to ask some difficult questions when we find ourselves in conflict with others.
Mar. 26, 2023 - Inconvenient Hospitality
Today we are looking at the practice of hospitality. We will discover that many of us would benefit from a far broader understanding of the practice than we have become accustomed to. Paul points us to the way of Jesus as the model of hospitality – Philippians 2:1-4
March 19, 2023 FORGIVENESS
This week, we will focus on the practice of “Forgiveness.” As followers of Jesus, we are going to offend and hurt one another. God’s pathway through these hurtful times starts with forgiveness. To follow Jesus faithfully requires that we forgive others as God has forgiven us.
This week, we will focus on the practice of “Authentic Friendship.” In calling us to meet together, the writer of Hebrews challenges us to gather not just for corporate worship, but also in contexts that develop authentic relationships (based on reality) where we intentionally walk alongside one another in the deepening journey of faithfully following Jesus.
As we continue our focus today on “Corporate Worship,” we will look more closely at two practices that have long been part of our worship gatherings
Feb. 26, 2023 - Corporate Worship
This week we will focus on the practice of corporate worship. While “church” is so much more than a building or an event, we do gather as God’s people at a particular place and time to worship.
Feb. 19, 2023 - Sabbath, Part 2
We are in a series looking at a number of “practices” designed to create space for God to transform us in our relationships with Himself, with one another and with our neighbours.
While it is common to view Sabbath as a legalistic religious ritual or as an unnecessary and impractical option, we saw last week that it is much more. God our Creator has woven a rhythm of rest and work into the very fabric of Creation. We aren’t designed to be machines that run 24/7. It’s fascinating to note that in Deuteronomy, God grounds our practice of Sabbath in His act of freeing His people from slavery. We’re no longer slaves that have to earn our way before God or our worth in society. Today, we’ll look at the implications of this amazing truth!
Feb. 12, 2023 - SABBATH, Part 1
In a world that is “on” 24/7, we can find ourselves quite tired and disoriented. Rather than simply be pulled by these cultural currents, God invites us to recover the practice of Sabbath. As we understand its intention, we begin to see the incredible gift from God that it is.
Feb. 5, 2023 - Listening Prayer
Today, we continue our focus on the practice of “listening prayer.” We will hear three members of our pastoral team share out of their understanding and application of this practice.
With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow. - Proverbs 3:5-6 (CEV)
Jan. 29, 2023 - Listening Prayer
We may limit our understanding of prayer to a one-way conversation with God in which we present our list and go on our way. This can often leave us feeling quite dry in our relationship with Him. Today we will explore the practice of “listening prayer,” which invites us beyond lifting our heart’s cry to God to also include a posture of listening for His voice to us.
Jan. 22, 2023 - DWELLING IN THE WORD
Today we will look at the practice of “Dwelling in the Word.” While this certainly begins with reading the Bible, it challenges us beyond merely checking the boxes of a reading plan.
Jan. 15, 2023 - FROM WWJD TO DWJD
It is easy for our faith to focus more on knowledge of information and ideas than on actual life choices and actions. We forget that following Jesus is more than studying the Bible for information. It’s about becoming increasingly like Jesus in our values, character and activity.
Jan. 8, 2023 - A Face to Face Friend with God
This morning we have a guest preacher, Pastor Bob Carroll, who is no stranger to many here as he previously served as Youth Pastor in the 1980’s. Today, Pastor Bob shares a message of faith that that accompanies true friendship with God. He encourages us to listen to the voice that says “I will be with you.”
Jan. 1, 2023 - Finding Focus for 2023
It can be quite daunting to look at the year ahead. Its challenges and opportunities can seem quite overwhelming, leaving us feeling somewhat paralyzed as we consider how we might move forward in the midst of it all. Gratefully, we are not alone. We have just come through a season reminding us that God is with us. He will guide us as we intentionally listen for His voice leading us to where He might have us focus our thoughts and energy in the year ahead. This morning, we’ll hear from a number of our pastoral staff as they share a “word” they sense God putting on their heart as we move into 2023.
Dec. 25, 2022 - Christmas Morning Team Preach
Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are so glad you have joined us either in person or on-line this Christmas Day. For the each of the past four weeks, we have lit a different Advent candle, but as we gather today, we see all four candles glowing with the light symbolized by the center candle, the light of Christ. Christ has come, indeed the greatest gift ever given to humanity.
Dec. 18, 2022 - Peace When Not Peaceful
So often we equate peace with those situations that are without any apparent chaos. We do like to think we are in control of our present and even our future and often define our sense of peace based on this sense of control.
In the Bible, joy is so much more than some feeling we try to create. In the words of the “Bible Project,” it is “a profound decision of faith and hope in the power of Jesus’ own life and love” that shapes our attitude, even in the midst of difficult times. (Phil. 3:1)
Dec. 04, 2022 - True Hope Based on a Person
In Revelation 2 and 3, we find letters Jesus wrote to seven first-century churches, He opens each letter with a revelation of some aspect of His character that speaks true hope for godly forward movement in each specific context.
Nov. 27, 2022 - A Nock on Door of our Hearts
Today we’ll look at the ancient city of Laodicea and see how it had grown quite proud in its affluent self-sufficiency. Jesus’ letter to the Laodicean church reveals how its people had taken on the spirit of their culture and forgotten to ask the bigger questions of life’s ultimate meaning and purpose as they seemed quite content in the self-centered comfort they saw around them.
It’s easy to feel quite small and alone, especially when we’re going through tough times.
This certainly could have been the case for the followers of Jesus in the ancient city of Philadelphia, who not only faced the city’s common struggles with earthquakes and tough economic times, but had the added pressure of intense persecution from Jewish and Roman sources.
As we look today at the letter Christ wrote to this church, we see that He didn’t send some ge- neric encouragement card. Rather, He addressed them in a way that truly showed His aware- ness of their situation and His personal care in the midst of it.
Sept. 18, 2022 - Against All Odds
Join us live on Sundays at 9:00am at https://mckernanbaptist.online.church here you will be able to chat with others from the church and receive prayer from a member of our prayer team.
Sept. 11, 2022 - Following Jesus
Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are so glad you have joined us. Today we launch our new ministry year, focusing on the back-to-basics theme, “Following Jesus.” After the last several years of uncertainty, with so very many voices vying for our attention and allegiance, we believe it is important to re-establish our foundation as followers of Christ, seeking His gracious truth and walking with Him under His direction.
Sept. 4, 2022 - Freedom Session Sermon
Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us. Today, we invite to our services Ken and Bonnie Dyck, Executive Directors of Freedom Session. This morning, Ken will bring a message from the story of Adam and Eve challenging us to address the brokenness in our lives and our relationships. Our church will be offering Freedom Session in the upcoming ministry year. The following quotes from Ken give us insight into the nature of the Freedom Session journey you are invited to join.
Jan 16, 2022 - Living Under Gods Gracious Truth
We live in a world with many vying visions of how life was intended to be lived. In the midst of these voices, Jesus speaks with the authority of the One who created life. A powerful summary of His vision is found in the Sermon on the Mount. Today, we will look at the opening verses of His teaching and see the values that are found in the lives of those who live under God’s good, gracious and true revelation of life as He intended.
January 9, 2022 - Moving Forward On Solid Ground
As we talk about “moving forward” in the midst of this ministry year, we do so in a context of uncertainty and challenge. Truly we need a solid foundation. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents a vision of what life in His Kingdom looks like. While the fullness of this Kingdom is yet to come, Matthew is clear that it has arrived in Christ’s coming (Mt. 4:17-5:2). At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells a story of two builders that reveals this truth... God offers a solid foundation on which we can move forward. To build on this foundation... We pursue the truth of Christ (7:24) Jesus speaks of wise builders as those who “hear these words of mine.” In a world that says truth is relative, Jesus clearly identifies His teaching as solid foundational truth. We put this truth into practice (7:24, 26) While both the wise and foolish builders hear Jesus’ words, only the wise builder “puts them into practice.” A solid foundation is not built by just knowing God’s truth, but by living according to this truth. We intentionally live in dependence on God in the context of community (7:24; 5:3) Just as the builder did not build the “rock,” so we cannot build the bedrock that will support our lives. The beginning of the sermon points us to a posture of dependence upon God as the ultimate starting point (bedrock) of life in His Kingdom. To live dependently on God is a plural endeavour. We move forward as we invest in authentic community marked by grace and truth. Discussion/Reflection Questions • In what ways do you see people around you trying to forge a foundation for life? If you’re honest, what are some ways you’re trying to forge a foundation? Why is any foundation outside of Christ ultimately futile? • In his book “Live No Lies,” John Mark Comer makes the statement, “Reality does not adjust to our illusions.” How does this challenge the overwhelming message in our culture that truth is relative? Why is the pursuit of God’s truth important? • What is the danger of knowing God’s truth without living God’s truth? What is a current area in your life where there is a gap between your knowledge of God’s truth and your practice of God’s truth? • Why is it important to approach our lives with a true sense of our spiritual poverty apart from God? Ask for His Spirit to work in you to empower your living of His truth.
January 2, 2022 - God With Us (Team Preach)
The pastoral team continued a shared message exploring the practical implications of what it means that God is with us.
Dec 26, 2021 - God With Us (Team Preach)
Today the pastoral team shared messages exploring the practical implications of what it means that God is with us.
Dec 19, 2021 - The Peace of Christ
On this 4th Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of PEACE and reflect on the angel’s announcement of “peace on earth.” When our lives are disrupted, we look to re-establish peace. This was the case for both Joseph and Herod. Their responses have much to teach us about the peace Christ came to give at Christmas. We experience the peace Christ came to give as we surrender to Him. Joseph surrendered to God and His purposes and came to know God’s peace and provision. Herod resisted God’s purposes and His distress grew. o Will I surrender to Jesus as Saviour? o Will I surrender to Jesus as Immanuel (God with Us) in the midst of life’s disruptions? Our response to God’s offer of peace can have profound impact on those around us. By surrendering to God’s peace, Joseph became part of God’s restorative story in the world. By resisting God’s way to peace, Herod created great distress and pain for those around him. o How intentional am I in aligning my life to God’s peace-giving story? o What do I want to see when I look back at the “wake” left by my life? Discussion/Reflection Questions • When you reflect on the angels’ declaration of “Peace on Earth,” what comes to mind? How are we to understand this in a world that is experiencing great lack of peace? • How would you describe the key difference between Joseph and Herod in their response to the disruptive events in their lives? How do you see yourself in each of these responses? • What might it look like to surrender to God during any current disruptions in your life? • How might you participate in God’s work of extending His peace to a needy world? • To what degree is your life leaving a “wake” of Christ’s peace?
Dec 12, 21 - Moving Forward With The Joy Of Christ
On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of JOY and reflect on the nature of the good news of great joy announced by the angel to the shepherds. We live in a world pursuing happiness, yet mired in discontentment. It is interesting to note that our word “happy” comes from the same root as “happen” and is thus connected to “advantageous circumstances.” We’ll see today that the joy brought by the coming of Christ (Lk. 2:10) goes much deeper. Joy comes not from fixing our circumstances but from fixing our eyes on Jesus... In the Midst of our Greatest Need (Lk. 2:10; Heb. 12:2) The angel brought news of a Saviour. Jesus’ coming would ultimately lead to a cross, knowing this would make available the joy of being forgiven by God, restored to God, and given new life with God. This is the beginning of true and In the Midst of our Current Need (James 1:2-5) James challenges us to view our difficult times with joy, knowing that God is at work in and through even our toughest circumstances to bring us to deeper contentment in Him. Rather than waiting for that “next thing” to find joy, God is in the process of refining us so that we might find joy ever more complete in Him. In the Midst of our Need for Direction (John 15:9-11) Having just called us to a relationship where we remain in Christ’s love through our obedience, Jesus connects this teaching to joy. In contrast to a world that says joy is found in doing whatever we want, Jesus tells us that joy is found in doing what we are designed to do. Discussion/Reflection Questions • What is the problem with the common statement in our culture, “I have the right to be happy”? What is the difference between joy and happiness? • Why is the pursuit of joy from external circumstances ultimately futile? • In what ways does a restored relationship with Jesus provide joy? How have you experienced this? • On what basis does James (1:2-5) ask us to choose a joyful perspective on our tough times? What might this look like for you? • How can “doing what I want” instead of following God’s truth actually diminish our joy? Where is God asking you to follow Him at this point in your life?
Dec 5, 2021 - A Right Relationship with Christmas
In Isaiah 9, Israel embodies the season of Advent in their hopeful anticipation of the Messiah. This helps us to set the stage for our own expectations for Christmas, as we look forward to marking the birth of Christ on December 25 and hope-filled watching for His second coming. There are three things in Revelation 12 that can shape us as authentic followers of Christ and that can influence our Christmas celebrations, transforming the fading veneer of sentimental ideals and old expectations into something valuable. These three things can renew a right relationship with Christmas regardless of our circumstances or context. They are our worship, our preaching, and our living. Worship rightly focused: Christ was made flesh, willing to be born into our broken world for the ultimate purpose of dying in our place to bring victory and salvation to His beloved children. Understanding the fullness of Christ and His action among us, both in the physical and in the spiritual realms, enables us to embrace Him as our living hope. Preaching/sharing our testimony is one of the tools for overcoming the enemy: When you share what Jesus has done and is doing in your life, you are preaching truth. When you share the Word of God with others, you are giving testimony to who Christ is. Our celebrations of the birth of Christ must be shaped by holy living: “Holy living is the action by which we express in our behaviour and speech the love and presence of our Christ...[It is] the conviction that everything we do, no matter what we do, however common and little noticed our lives, is connected with the action of God..” Eugene Petersen Living with a mindset that says, “for Christ, my life is worth risking,” and “my comfort is worth risking,” and “my traditions are worth risking,” is holy living. Discussion/Reflection Questions • How are we expressing the hope and love of God to one another and to our neighbour, understanding the reality that God sent His Son on a rescue operation for His children where His very birth initiated a war? • Are our expectations based in the reality of a challenging, fallen world, just like we read in Isaiah 9, or are we trying to sweep our sorrows and grief under the rug, attempting to make our lives look tidy and wrapped up with a bow? • What would it look like, to hold in tension, the invitation to experience great joy at the Saviour’s birth, while at the same time understanding the need to engage in worship, in preaching, and in holy living as a means of war? • What is the Holy Spirit’s invitation to you in renewing or transforming Christmas traditions that embody and reflect our living Hope?
Nov 28, 2021 - We Are Visible Presence Of Christ
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are the Body of Christ. At a very basic level, this means we are Christ’s visible representation on earth (Jn. 20:21; 2 Cor. 3:2-6), which is made possible through God giving us the Holy Spirit. We Are the Visible Representation of Christ on earth. Where did He go? While Jesus was expected to extend His popularity by hanging out with the “in” crowd, He very often challenged this by going to the “lost” and the “least.” (Mt. 9:12-14; Mk. 1:35-38; Luke 19:10; Jn. 4:4-9) How willing are we to go beyond our comfort zones to those who truly need the love and truth of Christ? What did He do? Jesus’ actions were governed by what “the Father was doing” (Jn. 5:19). He declared that His followers were to do the same (Jn. 14:9-13). How intentional are we in asking God to make us aware of His activity all around us? How willing are we to follow? What did He say? Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of restoration He was bringing and invited people to become part of this Kingdom (Mk. 1:14-15). How willing are we to speak the gracious truth about Christ’s story of restoration? Discussion/Reflection Questions • To be part of the Body of Christ means that we are His visible representation on earth. How do you respond to this image? How are you challenged and/or encouraged by this image? • Who are the “lost” and the “least” God has placed on your “radar?” • What might it look like for you to become more attentive to what God is doing in the lives and situations of the people around you? • How has God brought restoration to your life? What might be some opportunities to talk about God’s restoring work with those who are not yet followers of Christ? • What might it look like for you this Advent season to take more seriously the truth that as a follower of Christ, given His Holy Spirit, you are called to be a part of the visible representation of Christ on earth?
November 21, 2021 - All Members Of Christ's Body
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are the Body of Christ. This means that as Christ’s followers, we are all members of His Body. This challenges us to broaden our view of life in Christ beyond the highly individualistic version that is so often characteristic of our culture.
As Members of Christ’s Body... We Are Dependent on One Another (vs. 3-5) We are members one of another...This means that... • We need each other to move forward faithfully in our walk with Christ. • Our attitudes and actions have an impact on the overall Body of Christ. We are Supportive of One Another (vs. 3-5) In a healthy body, all parts work together for healthy functioning and healing. So in the Body of Christ, we are called to move forward in compassion toward those who hurt and in encouragement toward those who do well. (1 Cor. 12:25-26) We are Valuable to One Another (vs. 6-8) By Grace we have each been given gifts to contribute to the overall health of the Body of Christ. • These gifts are “God-given abilities” that we exercise with relative ease and effectiveness. • These gifts most often function as part of our God-given design that includes our skills, personalities, and passions. • While the use of the gifts may not be equally noticeable, all are equally valuable and necessary.
Discussion/Reflection Questions • What does it mean to you to be referred to by Scripture as a member of the Body of Christ? • In what ways are we prone to view our faith in a very individualistic way? • Why is community crucial for faithful growth in our walk with Christ? How intentional are you in cultivating this kind of community? • In what ways do our attitudes and actions impact the overall perception of the Christian church in our world? • What might be some ways you can come alongside someone you know is hurting? • What do you understand to be your unique skills, passions, and gifts? In what ways are you using these? If you’re not sure, ask someone who knows you well.
November 14th, 2021 - Christ Is Our Head
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God, and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are the Body of Christ. To be in right relationship with Christ this means that we live under His Headship (Eph. 4:15-16). This morning we’ll look at two key implications of this life-giving truth. As Head of the Church, Christ is our Source of Truth (Eph. 4:14-16; Romans 12:2) Paul casts a vision of Christ’s followers maturing into the likeness of Christ, with our minds being increasingly formed by His Headship. At a practical level, this includes... • Developing a Posture of Humility (Col. 2:19) • Reading God’s Word to Hear from God • Having Community Conversation to Discern God’s Ways Christ is our Source of Daily Strength (John 15:5) The concept of drawing life from Christ is also developed in the picture of Him as Vine and us as branches. Here we see that life only thrives to the degree it is drawn from the Vine. At a practical level, this includes... • Developing a Posture of Dependence • Integration of our Daily Life with the Life of Christ Discussion/Reflection Questions • When you hear Christ referred to as Head of the Church, what does this mean to you? What have you understood to be some of the practical implications of this truth? • Why is it so important to see Christ as the Source of Truth? What are some sources of truth in our culture that vie for our attention? Why is a posture of humility before God important in pursuing truth? • We can read God’s Word because “that’s what good Christians do” or because we truly desire to encounter God and His truth. What is the difference between these two approaches? • What might it look like for you to grow in a posture of daily dependence on God? What does it mean to you to abide (or remain) daily in Christ?
November 7th, 2021 - We Are Called To Hospitality
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are members of God’s family. As family members who relate to our neighbours, we are called to extend hospitality (Rom. 12:13). In its original language, hospitality means “love of strangers.” In Mark 6, we see Jesus inviting His disciples to be part of His miraculous act of hospitality to the crowd. To extend the hospitality of God’s family... We Are Challenged to See People as God Sees Them (vs. 34-36) Jesus saw beneath the faces of the crowd to their place of deep need, resulting in compassionate action. The disciples only saw the surface and had little sense of being further inconvenienced to act. Godly hospitality begins as we see people through Christ’s eyes of compassion. We Are Invited to Share What God Has Provided (vs. 37-38) While the disciples focused on what they lacked, Jesus simply asked them to bring forward what they had. In Alpha’s “Life Shared” course, John Tyson defines hospitality as “opening up our hearts and lives and inviting other people in.” We are simply to provide time and space for relationships to develop. We Trust God to Make His Presence Known and Multiply our Efforts The language used to describe Christ’s miracle (take, thank, break, give) connect this miracle to the Lord’s Table. It is the presence of Jesus that alone multiplies our efforts and touches true need. We are offered this amazing opportunity to share the presence of Christ with a hungry world and trust Christ to impact lives. Discussion/Reflection Questions • What do you think of when you hear the word “hospitality?” How can true hospitality be a key component in reaching beyond our church walls to those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus? • Why might we fail to see the people around us as Christ sees them? • What are some of the excuses that keep you from intentionally reaching out to those around you? What might it look like to simply open up your heart and life and hospitably share what you have with those around you? • What is one act of hospitality you can prayerfully plan between now and Christmas?
October 31, 2021 - Brothers And Sisters In Christ
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are members of God’s family (Gal. 6:10; Eph. 5:1). This means that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, a truth that comes with some very practical implications. Because We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ... We Are to Humbly Grow Together (Gal. 6:1) After inviting the Galatians to live by the Spirit, Paul then called them to support each other in this process by fostering an environment where restorative truth can be offered and received. This environment grows best when each of us take initiative in inviting others to speak truth into our lives. We Are to Carry Each Other’s Burdens (Gal. 6:2) Having challenged the Galatians to live by the law of Christ’s love, Paul then called them to build the kind of community where overwhelming struggles are not carried alone. This environment grows when we move beyond comparison to compassion and humility. We are to Work Through Our Dissension and Hurt (Eph. 4:15-32) Paul recognized that we will frustrate and anger one another and so challenged the Ephesians to not let their anger lead to resentment and division (vs. 25-27) Rather, we are to... • Speak the truth in love (v.15) • Forgive one another (v. 32) Discussion/Reflection Questions • What does it mean to you that you are “brothers and sisters” with ALL other followers of Christ? How does this encourage you? How does it challenge you? • In what ways have you experienced loving challenge and accountability in your life? Have you given permission to anyone to lovingly restore you when they see you off track in your walk with God? If not, who might you trust to do this? • In what ways have you had others support you in overwhelming times? How can you intentionally be part of building into your community a spirit of mutual support in difficult times? • How is unchecked resentment toxic to godly community? Have you experienced the freedom and restoration that comes from forgiveness? Is there anyone you need to forgive?
Oct 24, 2021 - We Are Children Of God The Father
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ.
As God’s people, we are members of God’s family. This means that God is our Father (Jn. 1:12-13) and has encouraging and life-changing implications.
Because God is our Father...
We are Not Orphans (John 14:16-18; Rom. 8:14-16) Jesus promised His disciples they would not be left as “orphans,” alone and helpless to figure out life. Paul expands on this by declaring that as people given life by God’s Spirit, we are “ adopted as God’s children. As Father, God never leaves us to fend for ourselves, but is actively and graciously present with us.
We Are Not Slaves to Fear (Rom. 8:1, 14-16) In context, Paul has been talking about the fear of being condemned by past and present failure. “ God does not hold our failures against us, but provides power to change us more and more into the character of Christ.
We are Co-heirs with Christ. (Rom. 8:17) The relationship Jesus had with God as Father is the model for the relationship God makes available to us. The full experience of this is yet to come, but until then, the Father walks with “ us in the suffering that is part of living in this fallen world..
Discussion/Reflection Questions • What does it mean to you that God is Father? What are the dangers of defining God’s Fatherhood on the basis of human fatherhood? • In what ways might you feel “orphaned” in your approach to facing the challenges of life? How does a true understanding of God’s Fatherhood speak to this? • In what ways do you feel stuck by past or present failures? How does a true understanding of God’s Fatherhood overcome the fear that we are defined by our failures? How does this challenge us to look to God for transformation beyond our failures? • How do you respond to the statement in Rom. 8:17 that as a believer in Jesus, you are a co-heir with Christ? How can this encourage us in the midst of the very real suffering that is part of living in this fallen world?
October 17, 2021 - Becoming a Mini New Jerusalem
Today we will further develop Pastor Lyle’s depiction of the churches (Greek: ekklesiai) of Jesus as earthly “mini-cities” that seek fully to integrate the life and character of the heavenly city of God, the New Jerusalem, within their rural and urban locations in holistic ways. Our question today is not so much what is the heavenly city of God but rather “who” is that city and what difference does that political identity make to how we live corporately in the city of Edmonton. On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we’ll explore what it means to live lives of gratitude that extend the restoring invitation of Christ to the world. There is something odd going on in Rev 21:9-14: The bride, the wife of the Lamb (the people of God) is symbolically depicted as being a cube-shaped heavenly city, called the New Jerusalem, which has 12 gates, 12 foundations, and crystal clear walls that are 2200 km high. But this New Jerusalem is not just a depiction of the future people of God (chs. 21-22), but also of the present people of God during the first century (chs. 4-5). There are two circles around God’s throne (ch. 4): the rainbow and the 24 elders. Each alludes to the New Jerusalem (chs. 21-22). A Rainbow is what you get when a bright light (God as light for the NJ; 21:23; 22:5) shines out through a prism (the walls of the NJ are crystal clear; 21:18). The 24 elders allude to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles of the Lamb (21:12-14) As the visible embodiment of the invisible New Jerusalem, how are you and how is McKernan collectively: • Shining with the presence of God wherever you are in the city of Edmonton? • Being a good ambassador (elder) of God’s character in how you live within, and for, the city of Edmonton? • Building authentic ekklesia community by facilitating the honest expression of opinions and values? • Building abundant community by loving your neighbours outside of McKernan as much as you love yourselves within McKernan?
October 10, 2021 - Thanksgiving
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are an expression of God’s Kingdom. This means we are ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we’ll explore what it means to live lives of gratitude that extend the restoring invitation of Christ to the world. As Christ’s Ambassadors... We Live Out the Reality that We Are Restored to God (vs. 14-17) Paul was compelled by God to live out the implications of being given a whole new life. We live our gratitude to God as we walk continually deeper into the reconciled life God has given us. Where do you need God’s restoring work in your life today? We Share with Those Around Us the Message that They Can Be Restored to God (vs. 18-21) Paul declared that we are all given the ministry of sharing the message of reconciliation. In 1 Cor. 15:1-11, Paul described the basic components of this good news: • The Gospel is centred on the Person of Jesus...His life, death and resurrection. • The Gospel addresses the root issue of our sin. • The Gospel offers a renewed vision of life. • The Gospel must be received. Discussion/Reflection Questions • What does it mean to you to be called an “ambassador” of Christ’s Kingdom? • In what ways does gratitude deepen as it moves from a “thank-you list” to a life lived intentionally in response to what Christ has done and continues to do in our lives? How would you describe a lifestyle of gratitude to God? • While we are restored relationally to God, we are challenged to live out the reality of this in our daily lives. What does this mean to you? What is an area in your life that currently needs Christ’s restoring touch? • How would you define the Good News (Gospel) of Christ? Who do you know who needs to hear the truth of this Gospel?
October 3, 2021 - We Are Citizens Of God's Kingdom
This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God’s people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God’s people, we are an expression of God’s Kingdom. This means we are fellow citizens (Eph. 2:19) under Jesus, our King. Today we’ll explore some of the implications of our common citizenship in Christ’s Kingdom. We Recognize our Profound Equality in Christ (Eph. 2:14-19) Paul declared that Christ has broken down the wall that divided Jew and Gentile, thus making them one new humanity that finds restored dignity and equality at the cross. We are challenged to more deeply understand, appreciate and value people who are from different racial and ethnic backgrounds than ourselves. We continually work out together what it means to follow the way of Christ (Eph. 2:19-22) As a community of people “built on the foundation of the prophets and apostles, with Jesus as our Cornerstone,” we are to continually explore the Scriptures to determine what it means to follow Christ’s timeless truth in our current world. “ This need not be done in isolation, but hopefully in honest and respectful conversation committed to God’s truth. We commit to the upside down nature of service over power. Jesus came as a Servant, not as one wielding power. He calls us to follow His way of service in the world.
Discussion/Reflection Questions: What does it mean to you to be called a “fellow citizen” of Christ’s Kingdom? • How can you more intentionally seek to understand fellow believers from other cultures? “ Is there a person from another ethnic background you can talk with to gain greater understanding? • What are some questions you have regarding what it means to follow Christ faithfully in our current culture? How can you engage in honest communication with other believers in these conversations? How can we intentionally remain committed to the authority of King Jesus as we engage in these conversations? • Where are you tempted to use and manipulate people toward your own ends rather than serve people toward Christ’s ends?
Sept 26, 2021 - We Follow A Good King
As we continue to find ourselves in a long period of uncertainty, it is important for us to get our bearings again around what it means to be God’s people moving forward, We will let the Biblical images of kingdom, family and body guide us this fall in this exploration of who we are as people who call ourselves Christians. As God’s people, we are an expression of God’s Kingdom. This means we follow King Jesus, who is a Truly Good King. Jesus, our King, Has Ushered in a Restored Way to Live Jesus began His ministry by calling people to live under the dominion of the renewed Kingdom He came to establish (Mk. 1:13-14, Mt. 4:17). He described the life in this Kingdom as possessing true justice, vision, and human freedom under the restored order of God. As God’s people, we are followers of the good way of Jesus, our King. Jesus, our King, Has Provided Us Entrance into this Way Jesus’ ministry on earth did much more than model and teach a way to live. He spoke of entrance to His Kingdom through recognition of our need (Mt. 5:3-6) and then died on a cross and rose again to provide forgiveness of our sin and restoration to the life He offers (Rev. 1:5b-6; Col. 2:13-15). Jesus has sacrificially provided the way for us to enter into restored life with Him, but we must respond by turning to Him in humble faith. Jesus, our King, Walks With Us in this Way. As Jesus ended His earthly ministry, He assured His followers that He would not leave them alone as an aloof, uninvolved King (Mt. 28:20), but would walk with them in the person of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-18). As God’s people, we are empowered to live by the active presence of God. Discussion/Reflection Questions • What does it mean to you to when you hear, “Jesus is King?” • As Christians, we are followers of the way of Christ. To be a Christian is a verb! What are the implications of this in everyday living? How does this challenge you today? • By His life, death and resurrection, Jesus made possible entrance into His Kingdom. Why was this necessary? Have you entered the Kingdom of God by admitting your sin and turning to Christ (repentance) in humble belief? • King Jesus has not left you alone, but has made His presence available to you in the Person of the Holy Spirit. What difference is this making in your life? How do you express your dependence on God’s Spirit?
Sept. 19, 2021 - Team Preach - Moving Forward
Team Preach
Pastor Terry, Pastor Dave, Pastor Mike, Pastor Dan
Sept. 12, 2021 - Church as Kingdom, Family, Body
Sermon Outline Pastor Lyle Buyer WHO ARE WE MOVING FORWARD? Assorted Scriptures Having come through a year and a half of pandemic adjustments and cultural turbulence, this fall serves as a significant timeframe to “reset” our understanding of what it means to be God’s people. In Prov. 3:5-6, we’re reminded that the best way forward is found not in our own understanding, but in a return to God’s truth. This fall, we will look at what the New Testament teaches about who we are as a church. We’ll focus on three key images… The Church is an Outpost of the Kingdom of God…We Follow a New Way of Life Jesus summarizes His mission as bringing the Kingdom of God (Mk. 1:13-14). When Paul entered a city, He taught about the Kingdom of God (Acts 19:8-10) and established a church (Acts 20:17). The Greek term for “church” (ekklesia) was used of an assembly of citizens from the city who met to make decisions for the good of the city. The term thus implies that God’s people are meant to bless the city by living, displaying and working to advance the good way of life provided under the authority of King Jesus. The Church is the Family of God…We are Part of a New Community When we place our faith in Christ, we are adopted as sons and daughters by God the Father, with other believers becoming our sisters and brothers. (John 1:12,13; Romans 8:15-17) This reality calls us to love one another with the love of Christ. (1 Thess. 4:9-10, John 13:34-35) The Church is the Body of Christ…We Have a New Mission We are described as the Body of Christ, attached to Christ the Head, each possessing a unique and important part in building up one another (Eph. 4:11-16) and in representing Christ in His mission to the world (John 20:21-22). Discussion/Reflection Questions Why is it important to think carefully about what is true as we move forward in this phase of the challenges and uncertainties of the pandemic and other cultural issues? What does Proverbs 3:5-6 teach about having God direct our paths forward? When you think of the church as an outpost of God’s Kingdom on earth, what comes to mind? How is this inspiring? How is it challenging? What are the implications of understanding the nature of the church as the family of God? As the Body of Christ, the church possesses many unique members. What do you sense as your role or place in the Body of Christ? What are you doing to intentionally draw life from Christ, the Head of the Church?
July 4, 2021 - A Psalm of Ascents
1. Traveler’s Questions a. What lies ahead? b. Where can I find help?
2. Traveler’s Confession a. My help comes from the maker of heaven and earth.
3. Traveler’s Blessing a. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Questions for Reflection
As we embark on summer 2021 with what we can see and what we cannot, where can God help you in the journey?
Whether you go through a season of challenge or celebration, will you look to God to help you?
June 27, 2021 - Celebrating our God
Psalm 63 Pastor Daunavan Buyer This Psalm is the heart cry of David, a man who was facing difficult circumstances, yet kept his focus on knowing God's love and goodness, desiring relationship with Him, responding in worship, and trusting through difficulties. Knowing God’s love and goodness invites us into: 1. Passionate relationship with Him (v1,5a) • The language of thirst that the Psalmist uses implies an insatiable desire for God as a part of understanding His goodness. • Jesus alluded to this “desire” in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:6). 2. A life of worship and praise (v.2-7) • We become like what we worship and are invited to: a. A life of worship (Romans 12:1) b. Gathered worship (Various OT Texts) 3. Trust in the midst of difficulties (v.7-9) • God is our help. a. God hides us in the “shadow of His wings”. b. God is with us. Questions for Reflection: What do you think your "hunger thermometer" would reveal about where you are at in your relationship with God? What expressions of worship, in all of life, and when you’re gathered with others, is God inviting you to? How does knowing how God is with us in the midst of difficulties impact a situation you may be facing now?
June 20, 2021 - Blessed for what?
Pastor Dan Scroth Blessed For What? Psalm 67 What’s a person saying when they say that they are blessed? What does it mean to give or receive a blessing? What does the word ‘grace’ mean? Who gives the blessing in the Numbers passage? Who gives the blessing in Psalm 67? A couple of John Piper resources worth checking: 1. Let the Nations be Glad book 2. ‘Look at the Book’ online lab Three purposes of God’s Blessing 1. That the way of salvation would be known v.2 2. That the world would worship the true God. 3. That God would be enjoyed! Three things about God: 1. He’s Gracious – 2. He’s Just – 3. He’s Sovereign – So, if you ask, why am I blessed? The answer is always ______________________ How I can make the way of salvation to my world? 1. Testify 2. Give financially 3. Go! 4. Pray What does it matter if I get involved or not? Discussion Questions: 1. Where are you identifying with God’s Blessings in your life? 2. How are you turning those blessings into someone else’s life? 3. Which of the four ways of making ‘the way of salvation into the world’ will you move forward in by faith?
June 13, 2021 - A Life of Faith
A life of faith: where the extraordinary is ordinary
June 6, 2021 - Let Me In
Revelations 3:14-22
May 30, 2021 - Youth Takeover Sunday
The McKernan Youth Takeover the Sunday service, and Pastor Dave shares.
May 23, 2021 - Psalms: Knowing God
Psalms: Knowing God
May 16, 2021 - Good News Doesn't Start in NT
Psalm 96
In the Psalms, we see God’s people look beyond their earthly reality to find renewed perspective in God’s True Reality. Today we’ll see how Psalm 96 calls God’s people to declare the Good News that the True God is on the Throne of the world. While we typically think of “sharing the good news” as a New Testament challenge, here we see it as a privilege extended to God’s people long before the coming of Christ. What is revealed as the Good News?
The True God reigns above all gods. (v. 4-5) This world is not random and chaotic. The True God reigns. Rival gods are mere idols. (v. 5) This world is in upheaval because its people are turning from the true God to gods that are no gods at all. (Mt. 9:36) The True God will bring about the restoration of the world and its people. (9-10) This restoration has been made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 5:18-19) What is revealed as God’s Heart?
God wants all people to be restored to Him. (vs. 7-10) God offers this restoration, yet calls people to respond. God desires that His people become bearers of His Good News. (vs. 11-13) Through their transformed lives and involvement in His restoring work. Through their conversation. (vs. 2-3, 2 Cor. 5:20)
Psalm 16 In the Psalms, we see God’s people look beyond their earthly reality to find renewed perspective in God’s true reality. On this Mother’s Day, we’ll look at Psalm 16 and see how the Psalmist looks beneath the surface of our everyday existence and shows how God is the one worthy foundation of our homes, whether we’re single, married or parents. The Psalm offers a number of affirmations that raise some significant questions. To affirm that the True God is our Foundation…
We affirm that Jesus is Lord (vs. 2-4) David revealed the ultimate emptiness of idols that vie for our allegiance. Current idols in our culture include self, control, stuff, and image. We affirm the Goodness of God’s Provision and Instruction (vs. 5-8) God has provided a place in which we are counted among His people and given direction (good boundaries) to guide us in knowing His design for life. We affirm the Blessings that Flow from God (vs. 9-11) These blessings include an unshakeable path marked by joy and eternal hope. Foundational Questions
What are the idols seeking to pull my allegiance away from Jesus as Lord? Where am I walking outside God’s good boundaries? What am I looking to as the source of my confidence and joy? What is the basis of my eternal hope?
Psalm 13
In the Psalms, we see God’s people look beyond their earthly reality to find renewed perspective in God’s true reality. Even from the cross, Jesus quoted twice from the Psalms (Ps. 22:1; 31:5). Many of the Psalms were written out of the experience of great difficulty, expressing deep lament over desperate circumstances. Today, we will look at an example of one such Psalm (Psalm 13) and explore how it invites us to see both honestly about ourselves and then beyond, to see honestly about God. The Psalms invite us to come to God in complete honesty. (vs. 1-4)
David’s heartfelt cries to God in the midst of his desperation express the truth that… God can handle our honest outbursts and prayers. We need communities of honesty. The Psalms challenge us to focus on God’s True Authority (vs. 5-6)
April 25, 2021 - When God Says “No”
Pastor Mike Bartusek When God Says “No”
God tells us time and time again how much He loves us. He invites us into a relationship with Him and desires to engage in the kind of dialogue there would be between a parent and their child. We are encouraged to present our requests to God in that similar kind of relationship, trusting that God cares so much more for us than any earthly parent ever could. How do we process what is going on when God says “No” to our earnest petition? This morning Pastor Mike will examine three questions we might ask when God says “No”
Question 1: Who does God say “No” to? Question 2: Why does God say “No”? Question 3: What am I to do when God says “No”?
April 18, 2021 - “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
Pastor Greg Garbutt
“Lead Us Not Into Temptation” Matthew 6:13
Jesus said we are to pray, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”
Believers are in a battle. We all have temptations. We all have trials. And no one is above yielding to them and damaging our lives.
How are we to handle temptation?
We must not be surprised by it, but rather we are to expect these trials. And we are to view the trials and suffering in our lives, through the love of the Father, that in all things, he works for the good of those who love him. And that “good” is God making us more and more like Jesus.
How are we delivered from evil? With God’s help, we overcome evil with good, by loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us.
April 11, 2021 - CALLING FOR JUSTICE
Pastor Dan Schroth CALLING FOR JUSTICE Ephesians 2:11-21
What is the Gospel?
Pastor Harry Lehotsky influence - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJfnsnXwbfQ
Cheap grace results when we reduce the gospel to forgiveness of sins, limit salvation to fire insurance from hell, and grasp only half of what the Bible says about sin.
The question is not, ‘Do you want to have your soul saved for heaven?’. The question is, ‘Do you want to join the kingdom of God that will transform your soul and the entire future of our society?’
John 12:12-13; 19:38-42; 20:11-22
On this Palm Sunday we continue our journey with the book, “40 Days of Decrease.” Our current readings in the book of John have brought us past the events of Palm Sunday to describe scenes of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. As we see various characters begin to understand the nature of Jesus’ Kingship, we start to see responses that appropriately proclaim Him as King, not just through waving palm branches and mouthing words, but through real actions. To Truly Proclaim Jesus as King…
Mar. 21, 2021 - What we Learn from Jesus' Prayer
“God’s desire for representatives, unity, and relationship” - John 17
John 17 is very important in our understanding of what Jesus sacrificed through His death as this passage records a beautiful prayer of Jesus and gives us a glimpse into what was going through His mind right before His death.
Jesus’ prayer in John 17 reveals to us God’s heart for how we are to live in the world, how we treat one another, and how He desires to be in relationship with us.
God’s heart for us is that we would be sent into the world as carriers of His truth (17:14-19). Jesus does not want us to be taken out of our struggles and circumstances. Rather, He ‘sends us’ into the world with His truth (truth as reality, not just rightness). God’s heart for us is that we would be united to the Father and one another (17:20-23). Jesus prayed for unity between believers as Jesus wants to see us get caught up into the relationship between Him and His Father. God’s heart for us is that we would be in relationship with Him. (17:24-26) “Desire is at the heart of the cross...” (Corey Russell) Father, I Desire that they would be with me where I am. Jesus gets His prayers answered - this is the Eternal prayer of the ages - I want my church where I am, in full unity, fascinated with me...
March 21, 2021 - What We Learn from Jesus’ Prayer
Pastor Daunavan Buyer What Can we Learn from Jesus’ Prayer?
“God’s desire for representatives, unity, and relationship” - John 17
John 17 is very important in our understanding of what Jesus sacrificed through His death as this passage records a beautiful prayer of Jesus and gives us a glimpse into what was going through His mind right before His death.
Jesus’ prayer in John 17 reveals to us God’s heart for how we are to live in the world, how we treat one another, and how He desires to be in relationship with us.
God’s heart for us is that we would be sent into the world as carriers of His truth (17:14-19). Jesus does not want us to be taken out of our struggles and circumstances. Rather, He ‘sends us’ into the world with His truth (truth as reality, not just rightness). God’s heart for us is that we would be united to the Father and one another (17:20-23). Jesus prayed for unity between believers as Jesus wants to see us get caught up into the relationship between Him and His Father. God’s heart for us is that we would be in relationship with Him. (17:24-26) “Desire is at the heart of the cross...” (Corey Russell) Father, I Desire that they would be with me where I am. Jesus gets His prayers answered - this is the Eternal prayer of the ages - I want my church where I am, in full unity, fascinated with me...
1) Why do you think these things were on Jesus’ mind/heart prior to His crucifixion?
2) How does understanding the heart of God change or impact your view on Him?
3) What does it look like for you to be a ‘carrier of truth’ in a world of relativism?
4) How can you embrace and focus on unity with other believers in this season?
5) What could change in your life if you firmly believed that “desire was at the heart of the cross”?
March 14, 2021 - I AM HE!!
Pastor Lyle Buyer
John 18:1-11
On this fourth Sunday of Lent, we continue our journey with the book, “40 Days of Decrease.” Our current readings in the book of John have brought us to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is arrested. The story paints an amazing scene in which trained, rugged soldiers fall back on the ground at the sound of Jesus’ voice. The irony in this account is thick. Jesus is the one arrested, yet we’re left with the clear picture that He is firmly in control. He is not forced to go to the cross but goes willingly, having affirmed with the words “I Am He” that He is God in the flesh. John has previously described a number of “I AM” declarations which Jesus willingly embraces and fulfils as He makes His way to the cross. Jesus said…
I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:30-35)
Those who heard Jesus make this declaration would have known God fed His people miraculously in the desert during the Exodus and that Jesus had very recently miraculously fed a crowd. As God’s people were sustained in the wilderness by God, so followers of Jesus are provided His sustaining presence. As we turn intentionally to “feast” on God’s presence, He brings vitality to our faith and hope. I Am the Gate for the Sheep (John 10:7-10)
Jesus declares that He is the entrance to restored life with God. Beyond entrance, He is also our protection against those who want to steal our experience of God’s life. We embrace Jesus as the Gate when we believe He is the source of True Life and follow His lead. I Am the True Vine
By using this statement, Jesus is declaring that He is the True Israel, the One through whom God’s purposes are fulfilled on earth. As a branch cannot thrive in isolation so, as followers of Jesus, we cannot thrive without vital connection to Christ and His people.
Pastor Lyle Buyer
John 13:1-17; 14:1-6
On this second Sunday of Lent, we continue our journey with the book, “40 Days of Decrease.” Our current readings in the book of John have us in the Upper Room, where Jesus washed His disciples’ feet and began to explain His soon coming departure. In John 14:1-6, Jesus talked of going away to make available the kind of life He came to offer, not just in the future, but for now as well. Jesus is the True Way to Eternal Life with God…which begins NOW!!! (Jn. 14:1-6)
The language of the Father’s “house” has connotations not only of a place, but also of a household or family. Jesus provides a way to a restored relationship with God, the Father. We are promised a place of meaningful and intimate relationship with God in His family. Thus, Jesus is not only the Way to a destination, He offers a whole new Way of Life. The story of the foot washing reveals key facets of this amazing way of life restored to God.
We are Given a Secure Identity (Jn. 13:1-5) Jesus could move forward toward the cross and engage in the menial and gracious task of washing the feet of those who would desert Him because He knew He was God’s loved Son. The identity we receive in Christ can ground us in the midst of all the voices calling us to prove ourselves. We are Invited to Deeping Growth in Character (Jn. 13:6-10) Jesus’ interaction with Peter anticipated how His death would ultimately provide for cleansing from our sin, with a promise of continued deepening work of growing us in Christ-like character. As forgiven followers of Christ, we can continually bring the real issues of our lives to Christ for His transforming touch. We are Challenged to Meaningful Service (Jn. 13:12-17) As Christ has served us, He sends us to serve one another, and as His family to serve the world for His sake. As Christ’s followers, we are invited to be part of the significant work God is doing in His church and in the world.
John 12:24-26
Today is the first Sunday of Lent. As we begin a journey with the book, “40 Days of Decrease,” the messages during this season will come from the daily readings in John 12-21 that are recommended in the book. We begin today with Christ’s words in John 12:24-26, where Jesus provides His certain response to the awareness that His impending crucifixion was near. This response appropriately addresses the question… How can we prepare for the new life and growth made possible by Christ’s resurrection?
For new life to emerge, some old ways need to die. (v. 25)
When Jesus spoke about how a single kernel of wheat needs to die to give birth to much more life, He was alluding to the coming reality of His death and resurrection. This truth, however, implies that our deeper experience of life will come as we, in God’s strength, put to death that which stands in the way of His life springing more fully in us. The preceding stories John tells provide very practical examples of what needs to die…
Empty Religious Ritual (Jn. 11:45-53) The religious leaders checked all the right religious boxes, but remained blind to all the signs Jesus performed to reveal who He was. Let us ask God to open our eyes to His loving truth and not be content with “going through motions." Lack of Authenticity (Jn. 12:4-6) Though Judas had spent much time with Jesus, He had many unanswered questions and was hiding some very real struggles with sinful behaviour. The reality of our questions and struggles need to be brought from dark hiding places to the light of God’s love and truth. Surface Solutions (Jn. 12:12-13) The crowd that praised Jesus as God’s Saviour was expecting a political and military Messiah, not One who would deal with their much deeper root need for forgiveness and restoration with God. Let us enter this Lent season with a willingness to let God deal with root issues in our lives.
FEB 14, 2021 - BEYOND SELF-SERVICE (Pt. 2)
Isaiah 42:1-9
Last week, we began a journey through this passage in which Christ is prophesied as the Coming Servant of the Lord. As those served by Him, we are now sent to serve as He served (Jn. 20:21-22). Today, we’ll see what this prophecy has to say about how and who Jesus came to serve. If we are sent to serve as Jesus came to serve…
How are we to serve?
Rather than draw attention to ourselves, we are to serve God’s purposes faithfully as He provides opportunity and let Him determine the scope. (v. 2,8) Rather than impose Christ’s reign by force, we are to serve with compassion. (v. 3, 1 Peter 3:15) Rather than try to control results, we are to serve expecting God to do new things in His time and way. (v. 9, Mt. 13:31-32) Who are we to serve?
We are to serve those worn down by life’s circumstances and injustices. (v. 3, Mt. 12:20) We are to serve those who are ethnically different than us. (v. 4, Mt. 12:21) We are to serve those who are spiritually distant. (v. 6, Acts 1:8)
Isaiah 42:1-9
We live in a culture that is quick to serve itself. This “self” focus runs quite counter to the challenge of many references we find in Isaiah to “the servant of the Lord.” God called His people, Israel to be His servant (41:9), yet they failed to serve His purposes (42:18-19). As such, God said He would raise up another servant (42:1) who would bring His just order to the world. Jesus came as this Perfect Servant and now we who follow Him are sent out as His servants (Jn. 20:21). “Because He (Jesus) is the Perfect Servant, He is also the Model Servant, the true pattern for all who, through Him, are the Lord’s servants today.” - JA Motyer As those restored by Jesus’ service, we are sent to the world as His servants. This implies that…
We are Loved by God.
God “delights in” His servant. We do not serve from a place of needing or earning love, but from a place of being loved. (1 Jn. 4:19, 2 Cor. 5:14) As we grasp God’s love and service toward us, we gain freedom to love and serve others without resentment or need to receive anything in return. We are Empowered by God’s Spirit.
The Holy Spirit that was promised to God’s servant in Isaiah is the same Spirit given to us who follow Jesus today. (Jn. 20:21-22) Rather than be overwhelmed by situations and needs around us which often leads to to self-protective inactivity, we can move forward knowing God is actively, purposefully and powerfully with us. We are sent to Restore Order to Broken People and a Broken World.
The word “justice” has the sense of restoring God’s good and right order (His Kingdom reign). (Mt. 6:9-10) We have been given the incredibly significant task of being the hands, feet and voice of Christ in His work of bringing restored order to people around us and to the world in which He has placed us. Discussion/Reflection Questions
When you look at the brokenness in our world, how do you tend to respond? With fear and protection or with a sense of wanting to serve in bringing God’s meaningful hope and restoration? Where are you on the spectrum between these two responses? How can our service actually be quite self-motivated and self-serving? Why is it important that we increasingly serve out of knowing we are loved and restored by God? How can a deepening awareness of the presence of God’s Spirit move us toward meaningful service? Where is God placing a burden in your heart regarding the need in a person or group of people? What might it look like for you serve God’s purposes in the lives of this person or group?
God is Our Trusted Source of Hope (Psalm 121)
We start by lifting up our eyes to God (1-2) God’s presence is active (3-4) God’s presence offers us protection (5-8) He promises to be with us in difficult times (Isaiah 43:1-4) Moving Forward in Hope
Cultivating the hope that we have in God Prayer Scripture Telling stories of God’s faithfulness (Joshua 4:21-22) Sabbath Stewarding our selves Maintain healthy habits Steward our attention and thoughts (Philippians 4:8) Avoid escapism Walking in community Encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Look outward Maintain connection Resources:
McKernan Baptist Church
(780) 436-0611
Alberta Mental Health Helpline
Help in Tough Times Website
As Isaiah continues to address the situation of God’s people exiled in Babylon, he addresses the fear that will certainly threaten them, especially when Persia overtakes Babylon (41:10). Not only does Isaiah call the exiles not to fear, He offers them solid truth that speaks to their (and our) fear. When fear threatens to control us, God assures us with these truths…
Isaiah 40:28-31
In our journey through Isaiah, we’ll continue to look at God’s amazing prophetic encouragement to His people (Is. 40) as they would find themselves in the pain and questions of exile, certainly tempted to give up on living faithfully for Him. In the past two weeks, we’ve seen how God gave to them a picture of His unwavering love (vs. 1-11), sovereign power and infinite wisdom (vs. 12-28). Today we’ll see how God offered them (as He continues to offer us) strength to continue moving forward. When we want to give up, God offers to give strength; the kind of strength that comes from waiting on Him.
In our journey through Isaiah, we’ll continue to look at God’s amazing prophetic encouragement to His people as they would find themselves in the pain and questions of exile. Last week, we saw God’s posture of love, inviting them (and us) to ultimate restoration. Today, we’ll see how verses 12-28 address God’s absolute ability to fulfil His promises and His purposes. Where they (and we) could not see a way (v. 27), God would prove Himself absolutely capable of making a way. When we bump into the limits of our understanding, God invites us to…
Look at Creation (12-14, 21-22, 26)
God’s creation reveals unparalleled wisdom and power that brought this world into existence and faithfully sustains it day by day. Creation is thus a constant reminder of God’s greatness. Look at History (15-17, 23-24)
Nations have continually risen only to fall. Kingdoms in the height of their power make great claims, yet do not last. As we look at the fickleness of human power, we are reminded of God’s infinite power. He is King, not only of one nation, but over all. Look at the Futility of Idols (16-20)
By trying to regain control, humans create idols and they look to these creations for life and deliverance. We still do this by looking to things other than God for security and meaning, but our idols can’t ultimately deliver. Look in Trust to His Wisdom (27-28, 31)
On this first Sunday of the new year, we return to our journey through Isaiah. We’ll move ahead to the latter section of the book that speaks to hope, beginning with today’s passage that prophetically addresses those who would find themselves in exile, lamenting their failure and wondering if their guilt had placed them beyond the restoration of God. (Lam. 1:2; 5:20-22)
Dec. 27, 2020 - One Word
On this last Sunday of 2020, we will take time to look back on the past year and ahead to the new year, considering how God may be asking us to focus our attention as we move forward. A number of our pastoral staff will share a word or concept that God has impressed on their hearts as they enter 2021.
The Race Car: https://i.redd.it/skkeozks22e31.jpg
Christmas Eve 2020
Merry Christmas from McKernan Baptist Church!
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we will return to Isaiah’s prophecy about Christ’s coming and focus on what it means to see Jesus as Prince of Peace. When we look at the state of the world and often the state of our own troubled souls, we can be left thinking that this peace is entirely elusive. The kind of peace Christ’s promised coming offers is represented in Hebrew using the word “Shalom,” which has been defined as “the webbing together of God, humans and all creation in justice, fulfillment and delight.” (C. Plantinga) In Isaiah 9:3-5, we get a picture of what this peace will look like. While ultimate fulfillment will come at Christ’s second coming, His first coming means the reality of peace has broken in now.
Dec. 13, 2020 - BEYOND HEAVINESS
Isaiah 9:3
On this third Sunday of Advent, we will return to Isaiah’s prophecy about Christ’s coming and focus on a verse we typically overlook (Is. 9:3), which speaks to the joy that Christ’s coming will ultimately make available. This joy is about an inner sense of “buoyancy” or soul satisfaction (Psalm 19:8, Prov. 15:30) that comes from God (Ps. 86:4, Neh. 8:10,12, Gal. 5:22).
On this second Sunday of Advent, we will look at how the prophesied name of Jesus, “Everlasting Father” (Is. 9:6), is a powerful declaration of God’s love for us.
On this first Sunday of Advent, we will explore how Isaiah prophesied the coming of hope into a world that was in deep distress and hopelessness. We often look at this familiar prophecy, “For unto us a Child is born…” without seeing the darkness of its context.
Nov. 22, 2020 - BLUE CHRISTMAS
Pastor Mike and the worship band lead us through a blue Christmas service. Just a heads-up, the volume will be much louder for the music, and quieter when Pastor Mike is speaking.
Pastor Lyle Buyer
BEYOND THE SHORT-TERM, BENEATH THE SURACE As we continue our journey through Isaiah, we arrive at a point in Jerusalem’s history when they faced a significant military challenge. Rather than turn to God and His way forward, King Ahaz opted for what he saw as the more obvious and immediate way out.
Oct. 25, 2020 - Beyond an Inadequate View of God
Beyond an Inadequate View of God
Oct. 18, 2020 - Persecution (SERMON ONLY)
Pastor Dan Our Father, we remember today our sisters and brothers who are being persecuted. Today, we declare your loving character. We declare that You love each individual person on this tiny planet, You see each heart, and You hear each cry and prayer. We know from Your Word that You are near to the brokenhearted, and as people of faith, we are brokenhearted over the persecution, over the conflict, and over the suffering. Draw near to us, and to those for whom we pray. We pray for the hungry, the lonely, the scared, the distraught. May they know that You are with them, Emmanuel. We pray for those that do not know peace in their land; tell their hearts that You are their peace. For those that are fleeing; tell them that You offer them a home in You. For those that are working to bring peace to the persecuted; speak strength and courage to their hearts and give them a voice that is listened to. For those that have their land and their churches exploited for the gain of others, where their resources are stripped and stolen; God be their Provider. For the women and girls whose bodies are used as weapons of warfare, to be exploited and conquered and abused; tell their hearts of their unshakeable value in You, and tell their hearts that they are beautiful and precious. For those that are scarred, physically injured, or grieving the murder of a loved one; speak strength and hope into their hearts, and tell them of how much they bear Your image. For those that are weary and the hopeless; tell them that You are their strong power, their comfort, their friend. We especially pray for Nigeria and the conflict between the Muslims and the Christians; God make a way for peace, we know that only You can do this. God, You know each face and name and heart that we lift up to You today and we long for You to bring shalom to each one. Turn their sorrow into joy, turn their pain into peace, turn their shame into hope. “Peace, peace, to the far and to the near,” says the Lord. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Lord hear our prayer. Amen.
As we continue in our theme “Beyond,” our journey through Isaiah brings us to a passage where the prophet presents a tale of two cities: the current Jerusalem in all its sinful despair and the prophesied, restored Jerusalem in all its majestic[NV1] glory.
Sept. 20, 2020 - Beyond Short-Lived Freedom
As we continue in our theme “Beyond,” we come today to a passage in which Isaiah confronts God’s people to move beyond their empty religious practices toward giving themselves in true surrender to a real relationship with God.
Sept. 13, 2020 - Beyond Short-Lived Freedom
Today we launch our 2020-21 ministry theme, “Beyond.” We’ll focus on the many ways God calls us beyond life as defined by humanity apart from Him. In settling for far less than life as God intends, we give ourselves to pursuits that were never designed to satisfy our souls or build a just and loving society.
Today we conclude a series of sermons looking at examples of “disruption” in the Bible by addressing the issue of disunity. We live in days that are full of conflict that often gets stuck in polarizing disunity. In Acts 15 we are given an example of a conflict with very negative potential that was addressed in a godly manner, with the result being an effective way forward. (vs. 31-33)
Today we continue a series of sermons looking at examples of “disruption” in the Bible. Paul faced a lingering disruption in the form of something he referred to as a “thorn in the flesh.” While we don’t know the exact nature of this “thorn,” we do know it was something that plagued him over an extended period of time.
August 9, 2020 - When Disruption Hits R&R
This very well-known parable has been called The Prodigal Son, The Running Father and even The Apathetic Brother. Today we’ll look at how Jesus uses the story to allow His listeners to evaluate their life and embrace the Jesus way of life.
August 2, 2020 - Pastor Terry's Sermon
1 Peter 1:3-9
What does the term “living hope” mean in your life today? How is your hope alive right now? How does it need to be renewed by Jesus? When and how has your faith been strengthened by difficulty? What was the result in you? They say hindsight is 20/20. Look back on your story. Where has God been at work when you weren’t aware of it at the time? How can that anchor your future hope? In what ways do you believe/cling to Jesus in suffering? How is it making you stronger?
July 26, 2020 - When Jesus was “Disrupted”
This week, pastor Daunavan shares about times when Jesus was "disrupted". (Luke 5:17-26, 7:36-50, 8:40-48, Matthew 25:36-40, Matthew 11:28) Also, the audio quality this week is less than ideal. We are working to fix our system throughout the week. If you are looking for a place to serve, we are actively looking for more tech volunteers. If interested, please email tech@mckernanbaptist.ca and we would love to get connected.
July 19, 2020 - Out of The Wilderness
Today we continue a series of sermons looking at examples of “disruption” in the Bible. One such event was the wilderness wandering of God’s people that occupies much of Exodus through Deuteronomy. As the people of Israel were about to emerge from this difficult time, it is significant to recognize God’s challenge to them (v. 10-11) regarding the new test they were about to face in the prosperity that lay ahead.
July 12, 2020 - Faith In The Midst of...
Today we continue a series of sermons looking at examples of “disruption” in the Bible. In a very familiar story, Goliath threatened to radically disrupt the well-being of Israel. His challenge, which needs to be seen as targeted against the purposes of God (v. 45), caused a sense of overwhelming and paralyzing fear until David stepped forward with eyes of faith that saw God’s truth and acted accordingly.
July 5, 2020 - My Failure Need Not Be Final
Before we begin, a quick apology on the quality of the audio today. As many of you know, much is changing as we begin preparing the church for relaunch. Thank you for your patience. A better version of this week's sermon is available in video format on our Vimeo page (https://vimeo.com/event/20515).
Today we will begin a series of sermons looking at stories of “disruption” in the Bible. The first story is found in Genesis 3 where God’s good creation is disrupted by sin. Very often, the disruptions in our lives are caused by our own moral failures. Often, we can feel like these failures have the last word, but the description of God’s response to this first instance of sin shows otherwise.
June 27, 2020 - When Life Doesn't Go As Planned
This week, Pastor Dave shares from Mark 4: 35-41 about when life doesn't go as planned.
Discussion Questions: - What does it mean when we encounter storms when following God’s will? - How have you seen God in our current circumstances? What are some stories of hope, or helping that you’ve seen? - What makes it hard to trust Jesus sometimes? - What would it look like for you to trust Jesus with your circumstances now?
June 21, 2020 - Partnership With The Father...
Today we will conclude our series through Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends.” In his closing words, Paul expressed his appreciation to his readers for the ways they had partnered with him in his commitment to introduce people far and wide to the good news of the Gospel. One definition of the Gospel is “God’s promise to make right everything wrong in us and in the world.” (Lon Allison)
Today, as we continue a series of sermons from Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision, Life as God Intends,” we come a passage where Paul begins to wrap up his letter by giving thanks to the church in Philippi for the gift they had sent him. In doing so, he takes the opportunity to talk about his true source of contentment.
Today we continue a series of sermons from Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends.” In a section of his letter where Paul speaks of experiencing God’s peace, he challenges his readers to pay close attention to their thinking.
May 31, 2020 - Renewing Joy and Peace
Today we continue a series of sermons from Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision, Life as God Intends.” As we are working through the last chapter Paul has turned his attention to some final exhortations or appeals to the believers. Paul is aware of the difficulties the Philippians are going through and he can appreciate their situation as he too, being in prison, understands the challenges. Paul wants his readers to look beyond their troubles and learn how to live lives of joy and peace.
Today we continue a series of sermons from Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision, Life as God Intends.” As we come to the last chapter, Paul starts to get very practical. The word “therefore” in Phil. 4:1 shows that Paul is building on what he has stated to this point. In essence, out of his love for his readers, he is urging them to take what he has written “on the page” and live it “on the pavement” where they walked out their everyday lives.
Today we resume a series of sermons from Philippians entitled, “20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends.” The book of Philippians presents a unique perspective on this kind of life, given that it is written by Paul from jail, where his freedom has been taken from him, his financial resources are very thin and any sense of control over his circumstances is gone. Yet, he writes a letter marked by joy.
Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church Online Service! On this Mother’s Day, we want to explore how God grows our faith in the context of intentional relationships with others. While the family certainly provides one such context, the Bible expands our understanding of family to include all followers of Christ. We are not meant to grow in isolation and as such, we can be thankful that there are no restrictions that require spiritual distancing. This morning we will focus on the importance of pursuing mentoring relationships. The following quotes come from people in our own congregation as they reflect on the role mentoring has played in their lives.
May 3, 2020 - Cultivating The Fruit of The Spirit
For the past several weeks, our gatherings have been far different than we had come to expect and experience. This disruption to our “normal” is also an invitation to explore how God may be leading us in a new and different way. This morning, Pastor Daunavan is going to be sharing on how God is leading us to embody the fruit of the Spirit. As we will see, the Fruit of the Spirit is both profoundly counter-cultural (many of the responses that are considered “default” in our culture are the opposite of the fruit as listed in Galatians 5), yet exactly what many are longing for!
April 26, 2020 - The Heart of Worship
For the past several weeks, our gatherings have been far different than we had come to expect and experience. For many of us, the heart of a worship service meant getting together physically to sing, to pray, and to hear a message based on God’s Word. With this forced hiatus from public gathering, we’re presented with a unique opportunity to think intentionally about worship. Is it restricted to something we do on Sunday or might it be something quite a bit bigger? This morning we’ll explore this question by examining the Biblical message of the song, “The Heart of Worship.”
April 19, 2020 - Crown Him With Many Crowns
Last week, we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Rather than quickly move on, it’s important that we take some time to reflect on the true identity of Jesus as Risen King who is “crowned with many crowns.” He is not only alive, but active among His people and in our world. This truth can give us great focus, encouragement and direction in these uncertain times.
Good Friday Service 2020
This is the Good Friday Service.
Apr. 12, 2020 - It is Well with my Soul
On this Easter Sunday, we will explore how the writer of the hymn “It is Well” was able to know inner peace in the midst of personal tragedy. We will see that the verses of his song point to the Biblical truth of Easter as foundational to the kind of life God created us to experience, even in a broken and hurting world.
Apr. 5, 2020 - Be Thou My Vision
Our current sermon series, “Seeing Clearly the Songs We Sing,” highlights the Biblical truths we declare when we sing the songs that we do in our worship services. We’ve seen how these songs speak very practically to many of the situations we encounter, including the pandemic we are presently facing.
March 29, 2020 - Christ Is Enough
These last couple of weeks have demonstrated that the ability to remain connected through immense challenges is very possible. As we continue to minister through online opportunities, you’ll notice a revised version of the weekly program that we hand out on Sunday. Within the information it provides, there will be a sermon outline that includes questions for discussion/reflection. Many are creatively utilizing platforms to worship together even while in different homes. As we join with brothers and sisters across this tiny planet, we worship a very awesome God. Today’s message continues our look at the truths we declare when we sing the songs that we sing as part of our worship. This week’s song proclaims that “Christ is Enough”.
March 22, 2020 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
**Notice: This podcast is louder than usual, you may want to turn down your volume before pressing play. **
Today we will take a closer look at the song “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and see how it speaks the truth of God’s faithfulness to us when we find ourselves wandering in difficult and chaotic times. Discussion/Reflection Questions - In difficult and chaotic times, what is the danger of focusing on our circumstances? How is this danger intensified by our 24-hour news cycle and “free-for-all” social media? - Christ’s life, death and resurrection fulfilled God’s promises. How can this reality bolster our confidence in God’s faithfulness today? Beyond this, how have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life? - God promises strength for each new day. Why is it important to wait on His strength one day at a time? What are some ways you can lean into God’s strength day by day? - Have you entered into a restored relationship with God based on Christ’s death for your sin? What are some practical ways in which we can share God’s love and hope with those around us?
Mar. 15, 2020 - 10,000 Reasons
In this year, as we pursue the theme "20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends," we recognize that we often proclaim God's vision of life in the songs we sing on Sunday morning. However, it is easy to get lost in the tune and not "see clearly" the truth of the songs we are singing.
Questions 1. What truths about God do we ned to consciously declare to one another at a time of uncertainty like this?
2. Why do we need to be intentional in. expressing our gratitude and praise to God? How might we intentionally and practically use our "getting up" and our "night time" to refocus on God, especially in uncertain times?
3. Share with one another (make a list if you're along) that for which you are thankful to God at this time.
4. What are some practical ways we can extend God's heart of love and restoration to those around us during these times? Especially to those who do not yet have a relationship with Christ?
Mar. 08, 2020 - The Love of God
In this year, as we pursue the theme of "20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends," we recognize that we often proclaim God's vision of life in the songs awe sing on a Sunday morning. However, it is easy to get lost in the tune and not "see clearly" the truth of the songs we are singing.
March 1, 2020 - Who You Say I am
Identity drives motivation, motivation drives action, and action drives results... Every action we take in life has a sense of identity behind it. How we seee ourselves maters. - Dave Lomas
Feb. 23, 2020 - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
In this year as we pursue the theme "20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends," we recognize that we ofter proclaim God's vision of life in the songs we sing on a Sunday morning. However, it is easy to get lost in the tune and not "see clearly" the truth of the songs we are singing.
Feb. 16, 2020 - OUTREACH
We are currently focusing "up close and personal" on some values that are core to our faith. Today we will explore the value of "OUTREACH." In his letter, Peter challenged his readers to enter into the lives of the people around them, even though their culture was becoming increasingly suspicious and agnostic towards Christianity.
Feb. 16, 2020 - OUTREACH
We are currently focusing "up close and personal" on some values that are core to our faith. Today we will explore the value of "OUTREACH." In his letter, Peter challenged his readers to enter into the lives of the people around them, even though their culture was becoming increasingly suspicious and agnostic towards Christianity.
Feb. 9, 2020 - Guest Speaker Mark Buchanan
Mark 2:1-12
Feb. 2, 2020 - SERVICE
As we begin out year focusing "up close and personal" on some values that are core to our faith today we will explore the value of "SERVICE." In his letter (1 Peter 4:7011), Peter challenges his readers to intentional service for the cause of Christ, even though they find themselves in difficult times.
Jan. 26, 2020 - Community
During these first weeks of the new year, we are looking at some values that are core to Christianity and, following our "20/20 Vision" theme, attempt to bring these values into focus in a way that is "up close and personal." Today we will explore the value of "community." In Paul's first letter to the corinthians, he challenged the competitiveness among the church by calling them to the more excellent way of love (1 Cor. 130, which is grounded in God's amazing love for us.
Jan 19, 2020 - Worship
During the first few weeks of the new year, we will look at some values that are core to Christianity and following our "20/20 Vision" theme, attempt to bring these values into focus in a way that is "up close and personal." Today we will explore the value of "worship." Psalm 95 is an expression of worship to God that hi lights 3 facets of a biblical understanding of this important value.
Jan. 12, 2020 - Discipleship Up Close & Personal
The beginning of a new year provides an appropriate opportunity to focus on core values and issues. Over the next weeks, we will look at some values that are core to Christianity, and following our "20/20 Vision" theme, attempt to bring these values into focus in a way that is "up close and personal." Today we will explore the value of discipleship.
Jan. 5, 2020 - Up Close and Personal
The beginning of a new year provides an appropriate opportunity to focus on core values and issues. Over the next weeks, we will look at some values that are core to Christianity and follow our “20/20 Vision theme,” attempt to bring these values into focus in a way that is “up close and personal.”
Dec. 29, 2019 - Team Preach
As we are about to enter a new year, we recognize that God often leads in a way that invites us to focus on a particular area at a particular time. This morning, four of our pastoral staff will share their thoughts around the word/ concept they sense God impressing on their hears as they approach 2020.
Christmas Eve Sermon 2019
Merry Christmas from McKernan Baptist! This is from our 4:00 service.
Dec. 12, 2019 - In Christ, Heaven Meets Earth: A C
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of peace and recall how the angels proclaimed "Peace on Earth" in their announcement of Christ's birth (Luke 2:14). As we look back at the history since that time, however, we notice how there continues to be a lot of outer and inner conflict in our world. We need a renewed vision of the nature of the peace Christ offers and the kind of responses required to experience this peace more deeply.
Dec. 15, 2019 - Joy To The World
On this third Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of joy. While this is a very appropriate day to sing "Joy to the World," the song was actually written more in reference to Christ's Second coming than His first. We'll link today at how the joy anticipated in Christ's return is made possible by His first comping that we celebrate at Christmas.
Dec. 8, 2019 - A Clearer Vision of Christmas Hope
On this second Sunday of Advent , we focus on the hope of Christmas. As we work our way through Philippians, we come to a passage where Paul celebrates the hope-filled truth that he has been "taken hold of" by Christ, not based on anything he has done, but in surrender to what God has done through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
Dec. 1, 2019 - A Clearer Vision of Christmas Love
Pastor Lyle
Nov. 24, 2019 - Servants with 20/20 vision
As we journey through the book of Philippians we come to a passage in which Paul shared his future plans to send Timothy and Epaphroditus back to Philippi. While he could have done this in a few short sentences, he instead took the opportunity to describe how these two men reflected the characteristics of selfless service that were needed in the Philippian church, just as they continue to be needed among Christ's followers today.
Nov. 17, 2019 - An Attitude as God Intends
We are currently journeying through Paul's letter to the Philippians church. After urging the church at Philippi to recognize their need for God and respond to God's ongoing work in their lives, Paul addresses an attitude that is threatening the church. If the church listens to Paul's advice, he gives potential outcomes of what a Christ-like attitude provides.
Nov. 10, 2019 - Why We Come Out of the Water
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Nov. 3, 2019 - The Truly Worthy Role Model
We are currently journeying through Paul's letter to the Phillipian church. After extending a strong challenge to the people of the church to live in unity, Paul points them to Jesus as the ultimate role model. In so doing, he paints a picture much different than current role models of his (and our) time do.
Oct. 27, 2019 - Lenses That Bring Us Together
We are currently journeying through Paul's letter to the Philippian church. We come today to a section of the letter where Paul addresses what appears to be a growing division within their ranks. Rather than simply challenging the church to get along, he calls them to see their relationships through the renewed reality of Christ's Vision.
Oct. 20 2019 - Vision to Live Worthy of the Gospel
Today we return to our series 20/20 Vision as we continue through Philippians.
Oct. 13, 2019 - The Corrective Lens of Gratitude
On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we will walk through a Psalm in which David is careful to thank God for answered prayers. The Psalm us a fitting Reminder of how easy it is for us to focus our prayer on what we need and forget to thank God for all He has given.
Oct. 06, 2019 - Focus on Present Reality of Christ
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sept. 29, 2019 - Life as God Intends
This is the team preach from September 29.
Sorry for the delay in posting, we had to reformat the file.
Sept. 22, 2019 - Praying with 20/20 Vision
We recently introduced our new ministry theme, "20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends; and began a journey through the book of Philippians, noting that the quality go life it reveals is quite different than the self-oriented, circumstance based life pursued by much of our culture.
Sep. 15, 2019- A clear Gospel really is Good New
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sep. 08, 2019 - Identity With God's 20/20 Vision
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sep. 1, 2019 - Malta, Rome, and Beyond
Pastor Lyle Buyer
August 25, 2019-The Calm in the Eye of the Storm
Pastor Lyle Buyer
August 18, 2019-Becoming a Compelling Community
Pastor Daunavan Buyer
Aug 11 2019- Spiritual Discipline of Celebration
Pastor Dave Schneider
August 4, 2019 - When Life is Hard...
It's not a matter of "if" something hard will happen in our life, but rather "when" will it happen. Our western society views suffering as unacceptable and strives to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Paul offers a different perspective on suffering.
July 28, 2019 - Making Space for God
We live in a world that is filled with clutter, distraction, and misplaced priorities. Following Jesus in a significant way can easily fall onto the back burner when we allow these things to take over .
July 21, 2019 - A Deep and Wide Heart
As Paul was on his way to Jerusalem, fully aware it would lead to life-threatening danger, he gathered the leaders of the church in Ephesus and shared his heart with them in a tearful good-bye. In so doing, we get a powerful glimpse at the inner heart that was beneath the “deep and wide” life Paul lived.
July 14, 2019 - Deep and Wide Together
As Paul begins a difficult journey to Jerusalem, he does so in a context of godly encouragement (Acts 20; 1, 2, 12). True encouragment is much more than expressing human hopes and well-wished to one another. Rather, it involves lifting our eyes upward to the God of encouragement who has been chosen to come alongside us. (Rom. 15:5, John 14:18; 1. Thess. 5:11)
July 7, 2019
Lyle Buyer
Jun. 30, 2019
Pastor Lyle
June 16, 2019 - Prayer as a Plunge
As we continue our journey through the book of Acts, we come to the familiar story of Paul and Silas in a Philippian jail. While at first glance, the focus of the story seems to involve the miraculous earthquake that brought about their release, the passage focuses on the impact of the authentic relationship Paul and Silas had with God and how this was revealed in their prayer lives. Paul and Silas expressed a life of prayer that was not about lists or rituals, but rather about a plunge into the constant presence of God.
June 9, 2019 - Entering the Mystery of Worship
Today we're looking at what it means to enter into the mystery of worship as we look at two different versions of the throne room, written about 850 years apart. As we journey through these visions in Isaiah and Revelation, we'll learn how these windows into heavenly worship should inform how we engage in worship here today.
Jun. 2nd, 2019 - What Are You Doing Here?
Pastor Christine Okken
May 26, 2019-Going wide, where do I start?
Pastor Lyle Buyer
May 19, 2019 - Leisurely Strol/Purposeful Journey
Pastor Lyle Buyer
May 12, 2019 - Navigating Through Conflict
As the Church expands in its early years, a serious conflict arose regarding a person's need to be circumcised (according to Jewish law) in order to be truly saved (brought into relationship with God). In Acts 15, we find a description of how this conflict was handled with the result of being an encouraged and strengthened church (vs. 30-32).
May 5, 2019- Sending and Sent
Pastor Lyle Buyer
April 28, 2019 - Forgiveness
Forgiveness is key to us being the people God created us to be. Jesus' teaching on forgiveness challenges us to face our own inner struggle with pardoning people who may not even be remorseful. Nonetheless, we are to forgive.
Pastor Mike Bartusek
April 21, 2019 - The Bakery Is Open!
On the day Jesus rose from the dead, He came up from behind two of His followers as they were walking to their home. These two had heavy hearts, thinking He was still dead. They didn't recognize Jesus until He joined them for a meal and "broke bread" with them. Everything Jesus claimed about Himself was true.
Apr. 19, 2019 - Good Friday
Pastor Lyle Buyer
April 14, 2019 - The Yeast of Transformation
Pastor Lyle Buyer
The Palm Sunday story features a crowd that wanted God to produce visible and immediate results. When this did not happen, the same crowd singing Jesus' praise on Palm Sunday was shouting "Crucify Him!" on Good Friday. These people wanted Jesus as a military conqueror, not as Bread of Life.
In these weeks leading up to Easter, we are exploring what it means that Jesus is the Bread of Life, using various ingredients of bread as doorways to deepen our understanding. Today we will look at how the ingredient of yeast speaks to the transforming power of God.
Apr. 7, 2019 - The Honey of Joy
In these weeks leading up to Easter, we are exploring what it means that Jesus is the Bread of Life, using various ingredients of bread as doorways to deepen our understanding. Today we will look at how the ingredient of honey (ex. 16:31) speaks to the joy jesus offers.
Mar. 31, 2019 - Jesus: The Bread of Life
In these weeks leading up to Easter, we are exploring what it means that Jesus is the Bread of Life (Jn. 6L35), using various ingredients of bread as doorways to deepen our understanding. Today, we will look at how the ingredient of salt can inform and challenge our walk with God.
Mar. 24, 2019 - Oil of Provision
Lyle Buyer
Mar. 17, 2019 - The Highs and Lows of Deep and Wid
As we follow along with Paul and Barnabas through their first missionary journey, we see the highs and lows of their experiences in sharing the gospel. Their experiences can strengthen and encourage us to keep a healthy perspective as we live our faith both deep and wide.
Moving Outward
Act 13: 13-52
Mar. 3, 2019- Moving Outward
As we continue to track the "deep and wide " growth of Christianity through the book of Acts, we come today to the first recorded missionary journey in the Bible. as Barnabas and Saul head out from Antioch.
Feb. 17th, 2019 - God's River Flows Forward
Lyle Buyer
Intentional Relationships with Our Neighbours
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Intentional Relationships with One Another
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jan 20, 2019-Reaching Culture in Today's Climate
Basil McLaren
Jan 13, 2019- An Intentional Relationship With God
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jan. 6. 2019 - Intentionally Deep and Wide
Romans 8:1-17
Walking with God into 2019
Pastoral Team
Dec. 23, 2018- The Deep and Wide Peace of Christ
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Dec. 16, 2018
This morning, we have sung and heard songs about the good news of Christmas. In announcing the birth of Christ, the angels declared that His coming to earth was news of great joy (which can be defined as the experience of gladness or well-being). What is it about the coming of Jesus that offers true joy?
Dec. 9, 2018 - Deep and Wide Hope of God
Lyle Buyer
Dec. 2, 2018 - Deep and Love of God
On this first Sunday of Advent, we focus on the love of Christ displayed in His coming to earth. As Jesus' love caused Him to move outward, today we'll see how His early followers followed His examples (Acts 7:54-8:40) and also moved outward in expressing and extending His love.
Nov 25, 2018 - The Deep and Wide Heart of God
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Nov. 18, 2018 - Deep & Wide Spiritual Practices
Daunavan Buyer
Nov. 11, 2018 - Deep and Wide With Intention
Lyle Buyer
Nov. 4th, 2018 - The Importance of Authenticity
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 28, 2018 - Becoming Who Jesus Was
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 21, 2018 - Deep & Wide In A Material World
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 14, 2018 - Deep & Wide In God's Presence
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 7, 2018 - Thank God for the Gospel
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sep. 30, 2018 - Deep and Wide But Never Alone
Lyle Buyer
Sept. 23, 2018 - Deep and Wide
Pastoral Team
Sep. 16, 2018 - Being the People of God
Lyle Buyer
Sep. 9, 2018 - What in the World is God Up To?
Lyle Buyer
Sept. 1, 2018- With God at work
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Aug. 26, 2018 - Journey From Abstract to Concrete
Lyle Buyer
Aug. 19, 2018 - Telling the Story
Pastor Dave Schneider
Aug. 5, 2018-A Journey born in God's heart of love
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jul. 22, 2018 - Living in the Land of Promise
Lyle Buyer
July 15, 2018 - God's Grace for the Thirsty
Pastor Dan Schroth
Jul. 8, 2018 - Priority Time
Mike Bartusek
July 1, 2018 - A Journey of Influence
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Walking with Jesus through Suburban Neighbourhoods
In telling this story, Luke pays significant attention to the contrast between Jesus' view of Zacchaeus and that of the crowd. Where they saw a man who had grown materially successful without any regard to God, Jesus saw real inner need. This contrast confronts us with some important questions as we find ourselves living among many people who are doing well by culture's standards, yet seem disinterested or even resistant with regard to God.
Jun. 17, 2018 - Spiritual Family
Daunavan Buyer
Jun. 10, 2018 - Freedom of Humility
Lyle Buyer
Luke 14: 15-24
May 27, 2018 - Walking with Jesus from the inside
Pastor Lyle Buyer
May 20, 2018 - Your Kingdom Come
Daunavan Buyer
May 13, 2016-Walk with Jesus when seems impossible
Pastor Lyle Buyer
May 6, 2018 - Called out of Hiding
Lyle Buyer
Apr. 29, 2018
Tim Pippus
Apr. 22, 2018
Lyle Buyer
Apr.15 2018
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Apr. 8. 2018 - Youth Take-over
Dave Schneider
Apr. 1, 2018 - Easter Sunday
Lyle Buyer
Mar. 25, 2018 - The Lord's Purpose
Lyle Buyer
Mar. 18,2018- Walk with God; Listen to His voice
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Mar. 11, 2018 - Life Without Lack
Dan Schroth
Mar. 4, 2018 - Walking With God, Talking With God
Lyle Buyer
February 25, 2018
As we continue our focus on what it means to live in relationship "with" God, we are currently in a series of sermons exploring this theme through the lens of the stories of Jesus.
Today we focus on a scene where Jesus was invited to the home of a respectable Pharisee. While He was there, a very disreputable woman showed up and created quite the scene by washing his feet with her hair. This scandalous act caused Jesus' host to react in negative judgement toward the woman and toward Jesus.
Jesus response to them both reveals a lot about the kind of perspective he desires to grow in those who walk with him. Truly, walking with Jesus impacts our eyesight.
Feb 18, 2018- Lessons from the littlest
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Feb. 11, 2018 - A Companioned Walk With God
Mike Bartusek
Feb 4, 2018 - Walk With God in the Neighbourhood
Lyle Buyer
Jan. 28, 2018 - A Family Walk With God
Lyle Buyer
Jan. 21, 2018 - Rhythm of Life
Lyle Buyer
Jan. 14, 2018 - Walking to the Rhythm of His Beat
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jan. 7, 2018- Hiking with Jesus
Tim Pippus
Dec. 31, 2017 - New Year's Eve service
Team preach
Dec 24, 2017- Christmas Eve Service
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Dec. 17, 2017 - Response to the Gift of Christmas
Lyle Buyer
Dec 10, 2017- Walking with Jesus while we wait
Pastor Lyle Buyer
December 3, 2017
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Nov. 26, 2017 - Good Things Become Ultimate Things
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Nov. 19, 2017 - Feet on Ground, Hearts in Heaven
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Nov. 12, 2017 - Eyes Open To The Diversions
Our walk with Jesus is not without potential diversions, so let's be prayerfully aware of the pull toward...
Nov. 5, 2017 - Walking With Christ in Freedom
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 29, 2017 - Celebration of Reformation
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 22, 2017 - Walking With Jesus
Lyle Buyer
Oct. 15, 2017 - What He's Really Like
"We all have a picture of God, and when you get down to the core, what you believe about God (who He is) really matters" - Pat Barret
Oct. 08, 2017- Thanksgiving that changes us
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Oct. 01, 2017 -Who I am Because of Who I Walk With
Colossians 1:12-14
Sept. 24 - A Prayer that we Might "Walk with God"
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sep. 17, 2017 - What Walking With Jesus Looks Like
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sep. 10, 2017 - Colossians: the Immanuel Agenda
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Sept 3, 2017- Knowing or Knowing About
Pastor Mike Bartusek
Aug. 27, 2017 - Josiah: A Man of the Word
Lyle Buyer
August 20, 2017 - Faithfulness 101
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Aug. 13, 2017 - Nehemiah 1
Pastor Terry
Aug. 6, 2017- Influence 101
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jul. 30, 2017 - Focused on the Wrong Appetite
Lyle Buyer
Jul. 23, 2017 - Jeroboam: The danger of compromise
We begin today with King Jeroboam and see how life offers a very important lesson on the subtleties and dangers of compromise.
July 16, 2016 A Straight Path to "Straight Street"
Greg Garbutt
July 9, 2017 - Compassion Rooted in Holiness
Pastor Dan Schroth
July 2,2017- Reaching Out Without Reaching Down
Pastor Dave Schneider
Sent with Direction (pt. 2)
Pastor Lyle Buyer
June 18, 2017 - Sent with Direction
Lyle Buyer
Jun. 11, 2017 - Sent With Urgency
Lyle Buyer
June 4, 2017 - Sent From the Heart of God
Pastor Lyle Buyer
May 28, 2017 - The Focus of Our Christian Lives
Adam Buyer
May 21, 2017 - Where Do I Belong?
Daunavan Buyer
May 14, 2017 - How Can I Believe God Exists?
Lyle Buyer
May 7, 2017 - How Can I Believe God Exists?
Lyle Buyer
Apr. 30, 2017 - Does Faith Make Sense?
Must we choose between faith and evidence?
Apr. 23, 2017 - Why does God allow suffering?
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Apr 16, 2017 - Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead
On this Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and recognize how absolutely foundational it is to the saving truth and eternal hope of Christianity. (1 Cor. 15:1-5)
Apr. 9, 2017 - God's Heart for the Neighbourhood
Throughout our ministry year, we are focusing on our three key priorities, "Right Relationship - With God, With One Another and With Our Neighbour." Today we begin our focus on being in right relationship with our neighbour as we explore God's heart for the neighbourhood outside the boundaries of "His people".
Apr. 2, 2017 - Self-Control
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Mar. 26, 2017 - Meekness
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Mar. 19, 2017 - Have It All
Pastor Daunavan Buyer
Mar. 12, 2017 -Starting a Revolution
Guest Speaker: Kris Knutson
Mar. 5, 2017 - Faithfulness
Lyle Buyer
Feb. 26, 2017 - The Truly Good Life
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Feb. 19, 2017 - Kindness Lost; Kindness Restored
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Feb. 12, 2017 - The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Pastor Dan Schroth
Feb. 5, 2017 - Peace Rooted in the "Jesus-Story"
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jan. 29, 2017 - Finding Joy In What God Has Given
Lyle Buyer
Jan. 22, 2017 - Fruit of Our Love
Pastor Lyle Buyer
Jan. 8, 2017 - Freed to Love One Another
Lyle Buyer
Jan. 1, 2017 - Walking With God Into the New Year
Lyle Buyer