Serving Our Community

We’re excited that you are interested in helping at McKernan! Please take a few minutes to explore the different opportunities below and then let us know where you’re interested in helping, via our online form.

Get Involved

If you're interested in helping with Children's Ministry, please use the CM VOLUNTEER form (button below).

Children's Ministry Volunteer Application

A/V Team

Behind-the-scenes production for ensuring the sermon is successfully broadcast live, online, and recorded for on-demand viewing.


Cleaning Team

Our building gets a lot of use. Any time that anyone is willing to make available to compliment the efforts of our custodians, is lovingly appreciated!


Computer Refurb Ministry

Fulfilling many positive outcomes, serving here will allow you to assist those that are not able to afford new computers, while also providing a better location for the computer than a landfill. mckernanbaptist.ca/CRM/. Contact Pastor Dan.


Creation Care

There are many opportunities to serve by becoming good stewards of the creation God calls us to tend to. Contact Pastor Dan.



This ministry is focused on spiritual development. Many areas to serve including: organizing, teaching, kitchen assistance, table leading, set up, etc. Contact Pastor Dan.



Weed and maintain planters and perennial beds, plant new plants, water and fertilize as required.



Greeters welcome people when they arrive (and leave), and help make the in-person experience more personal. Contact Karen.


Higher Grounds

Higher Grounds is a hub of activity between services where people gather for a cup of artisanal coffee and light snack.


Lawn / Grounds

Mow lawn, trim trees, apply fertilizer and seed, pick up garbage, top up mulch and topsoil, general maintenance as needed.



Under the supervision of our Facilities Manager, tasks include things like painting, patching holes, replacing ceiling tiles, and other minor repairs.


McKernan English Language Learning

This flourishing Outreach ministry has a place to serve for everyone, including: table leaders, kitchen help, set up, etc.  mckernanbaptist.ca/MELLvolunteering/. Contact Pastor Dan.


McKernan Kids

Children’s Ministry is a great way to bring your personal walk with Christ to life. You don’t have to be a parent to volunteer although parents are encouraged to have a turn.



If you’re a (semi-) professional photographer who loves to capture moments for occasional publishing requirements, we welcome your expertise.


Prayer Team

Prayer Team members are available during the singing time of the live worship service as well as online.


Refugee Assistance Ministry

We are actively expanding this dynamic ministry. Serving here will provide countless opportunities to serve the oppressed. mckernanbaptist.ca/ram/. Contact Pastor Dan.



Our ushers are a main connection point with us. They assist people in finding a place to sit and also serve communion once per month.


Welcome Centre

This is our information hub for information about different ministries, general inquiries, making payments, or filling out our online Connection Card.


Worship Team

Serving God through the gift of music. If you are comfortable being in front of people and have a heart for worship, contact Pastor Dave.