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It is hard to believe we have been in our "new" facility for over 8 years. As we look back at the last few years of ministry, we have so much to be thankful for.  Our facility truly is a “facilitating” ministry in ways we envisioned and even beyond… 

  • We’re seeing exciting growth in Children and Youth Ministries.
  • We continue to see significant numbers of Young Adults attending our church and experiencing meaningful growth as followers of Christ.
  • Our new space allows for a variety of options on the same night. McKernan English Language Learning Ministry (MELL) in the Hospitality Area, Abound studies in the Chapel, and Youth Ministry in the lower auditorium.
  • Our lobby and hospitality space are providing a context for meaningful interaction before, after and between services.
  • Our Daycare continues to be a shining star as a centre of excellence as it operates in a very functional space and with a great playground.

Truly, God is good and we are experiencing His blessing.

In this spirit of gratitude and celebration, we invite you to participate in a one-time gift offering during this Thanksgiving season targeted once again toward reducing our mortgage. 

Please mark your donation as “Building Fund” on the accompanying receipt, envelope, or online form.

  1. Sunday offering plate – on the Sundays of Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 20.
  2. Online through our website
  3. Debit machine (debit or credit card) – Located in the Hospitality Area.
  4. e-transfer – Send your donation to
Thank you for prayerfully considering your participation in this offering.  Please pray that we will see God provide in amazing ways over this next month.


  Below, are other opportunities for us to show thanksgiving. 


Additional Thanksgiving Activities




We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Campus Food Bank on the UofA campus.



Saturday, October 19

Over the next several weeks (ending Oct13). we are accepting outdoor winter clothing (jackets/coats, ski pants, boots, hats, gloves/mittens, scarves; all ages) which will be made available on Oct 19, 9:00am-1:00pm, for those that need a little help.

Please drop off your gently used and clean donation at the mezzanine level (between the 1st & 2nd floor).

For more information, contact Pastor Dan,


Sunday, October 13

We are so close to being able to retire our mortgage. We will be taking an offering to help us retire our $430,000 mortgage.