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Devotional Guide for Thursday, July 25

Proverbs 2:1-22


What would you be willing to do if you were given the challenge of gaining wisdom? How much effort would you be willing to extend to gain the wisdom being promised? Our passage today lays out what was required for the son to achieve this goal, and it was very clear it would require work and not be an easy task. The three “if” statements in verses 1-4, which are all needed to achieve the result, are going to require the son’s full attention and strength.


Who are you listening to these days? How much effort are you exerting to find truth and insight into world events? Are you pursuing it like you would treasure? Or are we just accepting whatever is being fed to us through our favourite form of news media?

The son was given the option to understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. May we be people who accept the challenge to also understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

Pastor Terry

Pray for Crystal Dueck - GEM Europe

My mission is to embolden Christians, especially those belonging to Mosaik Nord Church, to share Christ’s love with each other. I work as a staff member in a unique German church, boasting more Middle Eastern members than German or any other culture, and serve in many aspects including worship, mentorship, support for the pastors and their families, Sunday service behind the scenes help, administration, helping in building facility management, and cleaning. My main role is leading our culturally diverse hospitality team. This team oversees the greeters and all food and drink related needs for our Sunday services. Our team’s main goal is to model and share Christ’s love with everyone we serve, helping to build-up God’s Kingdom here in Frankfurt.

Categories: Devotional Guide