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McKernan (Small) Groups are a great place to make meaningful relationships, have fun and grow in your faith.

What is a McKernan Group?

These groups are made up of people who meet during the week to experience care, support, friendship, spiritual growth, and servanthood. This takes place as we study the Bible, pray, share of ourselves and care for one another.

Group life is like a river that is full of life; the life of Christ flows into the group, and as a group we allow that life to spring forth from us! 

Why would I want to be part of a Group?

 There are a lot of good things about meeting in a large group on Sunday; however, there are some things you can only do in a small group. Values such as building close community, keeping each other accountable and building a support group. That is why we encourage people to join a small group. 

This is what a few people have said about being in a Small Group:

"My group has been incredibly helpful during some of my most difficult times."

"We have lots of fun!"

"They became my family when I moved here for university."

"My Small Group Leader went above and beyond the call of duty...she just loved me through some very difficult moments."

"They made me feel like I belong."

How do I join a group?

Pray and consider if you are able to make the commitment to being a member of a group. In order for a group to join together effectively they must share time and experiences, and we have found that a minimum of three hours every two weeks is necessary. If you are looking for a Group between the ages of 19-25, Young Adults will be forming small groups during their Bible Studies. Please email Pastor Nathanael for more details.

Fill out the Groups intake card below or at the Welcome Centre on Sunday. We will then get in touch with you to invite you to a McKernan Group to try out.

If you are interested in leading a small group or have specific questions regarding the McKernan Group Ministries, please contact Pastor Mike.




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At certain times of year many people sign up for small groups and we may need to start new groups to accommodate them. 

What days work best for you?