
Study: Generous Justice

Dec 06 2023
Start Time
6:30 PM
End Time
9:00 PM



Every Wednesday evening, we launch with an amazing meal with one another and then listen, discuss and activate into our culture as followers of Jesus.

Rev. Tim Keller (Sept.23 – May 19, 2023) was a pioneering pastor that courageously lived out his calling by running into some of the most difficult challenges of life with his winsome, kind, and convincing character. His 28 books addressed every aspect of life from birth to death, sin to forgiveness, and deep thought to social activism. If you have been around McKernan Baptist Church, no doubt you know that Pastor Lyle continues to be wonderfully influenced by Keller.

In memory of Tim Keller, this Fall we will be offering evening studies on the second of Keller’s finest works.

Generous Justice – Wednesday, Nov.1 – Dec.6, 2023, Supper (6:30pm, Hospitality Area); Course (7-8:30pm, Chapel)

Into our tense culture that either blames Christianity for many of the evils of the world or believes that Christianity should not be involved in any justice movements, Tim Keller brings a humble and pleasant voice of grace. Biblical Justice is a crucial calling as we follow Jesus. Keller effectively dispels myths, and provides compelling motivation for followers of Jesus to be active in making this world a better place for all. Purchase of the book is urged. Register here.

* You are welcome to contribute to offset the cost of the meal