OUTREACH Missions Programs

How To Get Involved In Missions

“I have made you a light for the Gentiles,
    that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”
– Acts 13:47


The Lord first made that commandment to His followers that were ready to follow Him wherever He went. As they followed Jesus, the people that they influenced began to rejoice and delight in a life freed from darkness.

Two truths about Light:

  1. Light chases away darkness
  2. Light becomes irrelevant when it only stays where there is lots of other light

Jesus has created many ways that we can join Him in His work of saving the world. 



  • Pray that God’s calling to His followers to be light would be responded to
  • Grab our Missions Magazine and pray through that daily
  • Contact one of our missionaries and pray for them directly
  • Pay attention to the local and global news and pray through the issues
  • Join one of McKernan’s prayer nights


  • Support a missionary with a monthly pledge
  • Develop a relationship with a missionary and see how you can serve them with supplies they need, notes of encouragement, gifts on special occasions, etc.
  • Have the missionary over to your home and listen to their journey
  • Visit our online giving portal to contribute regularly to the McKernan Missions Budget



  • Ask God to direct you to people from around the world that you can invite into your life
  • Hang out with a diverse amount of people
  • Put yourself in an environment where you are the minority
  • Host International Students in your home
  • Listen to the faith journeys of people from other backgrounds


  • Take some time to meet McKernan’s Missionary of the Week
  • Read missionary biographies
  • Take a course on being missional
  • Study a new language
  • Pick up a few greetings from languages spoken by Newcomers to Canada


  • Influence a circle of your friends to “adopt” a missionary
  • Prayerfully consider what missionary God is calling you advocate for
  • Consider serving with the Refugee Assistance Ministry, White Cross, or the many other McKernan initiatives
  • Be a model and a voice that encourages people to shine the light of Jesus outwards
  • Encourage those in your influence to consider serving as a missionary