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Devotional Guide for Monday, July 22

Philippians 4:14-23


Today's passage closes Paul's tender letter to the well-established church at Philippi. It was here at Philippi the Gospel first came to Europe (Acts 16:12-15).

The Philippian Christians were especially close to the heart of Paul. Though written while imprisoned in Rome, the letter resonates with the joy and love Paul expresses for his dear friends--"my joy and crown"(4:1), while pleading for the unity of believers (4:2-3).

In recent days we have been through 4:1-13. They are some of my favourites. I come to them often.
Are you feeling anxious? At a loss of peace? Meditate on Philippians 4:4-9.

Today's closing passage (vs.14-23) finds Paul commending and giving thanks for the Philippians ongoing support of Paul's gospel mission, ... even now to his Roman captors!


From the beginnings of their faith in Christ, the Philippian Christians were eager to be involved in missions, (vs.15-16) and in Kingdom work (Matt.6:19-20). We too are called to be good stewards, to give generously of what God has provided. How are you involved, personally and financially in the Kingdom work God has called us to?

The needs of a hurting world are at our doorstep. Where are you showing mercy, reflecting the Son’s light into darkness?

I love how Paul ends his letter to his dear friends, the Saints at Philippi (vs.23): "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen"

Morgan Grigat


  • Pray for our Senior Lead Team Pastor, Lyle Buyer, his ministry, and family.
  • Pray for our Church Board members: Beth Cheung, Dallas Ansell, Hal Reirson, JD Kliewer, Mary Jetha, Mike Ross, Randy Voss, Seth Jansen, Trevor Toews, Uwem Okome.
  • Pray for our office staff: Vicky Bailey, Naomi Voss; bookkeeper Liudmyla Lushchyk
Categories: Devotional Guide