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Preparation for Sunday, July 21

Philippians 2:12-18
How often do we praise and admire those who can “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” to get a difficult job done. We declare with joy over small children, “You did that all by yourself!” Taking personal responsibility and expressing agency in the direction of our own lives is valuable and necessary. However, one of the shadow sides of this is the idolatry of self-effort, striving and strain.
The life of the believer is one of nuance. Paul exhorts the Philippians to take responsibility for their salvation. It is not only a gift to be received; salvation is to be acted out in obedience to the example of Christ. But the power to do so is from God, who provides the willingness to obey and the strength to follow through. How might we know whether we are doing things in our own strength rather than wholly leaning on God? See verse 14.
Paul’s language calls to mind the murmuring and grumbling of the Israelites who, although delivered from slavery, did not walk in willing obedience. They deeply struggled in their freedom and so often reflected the pagan nations around them.
Today, Pastor Melissa will be unpacking this passage further as we consider what it means to “shine like stars,” “hold firmly to the word of life,” and to “be glad and rejoice.”

  • Pray that those who attend our service today will have a meaningful encounter with God.
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Jerilyn Bayer and the Children’s Ministry Associate, Annette Faszer.
Categories: Devotional Guide