Our theme this summer is “A Deeper Joy”, and today we welcome Pastor David to share with us a message on engaging in this joy. In preparation for our worship service, we encourage you to read Philippians 4:10-20.
As you read, consider using the SOAP method of reflection.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into truth as you read.
- What words or phrases stand out?
- Ask the Holy Spirit how these verses might apply to your life and journal any thoughts that come to mind.
- Is there an area where you need to practice confession or forgiveness? Is there an invitation to obedience? Who is Holy Spirit bringing to mind that you can pray for? Please also pray for our speaker this morning.
A Prayer for this Sunday adapted from Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey:
Today, Lord, rekindle our affections, restoring them again to their one worthy object, who is Christ, and who alone holds the words of eternal life.
Shape our thoughts, O God, by Your truth even as You shape our hearts by Your love. Grant us strength and grace sufficient for this day that we might move through its unfolding in humble obedience to Your will and in sensitivity to Your Spirit and in joyful expectancy of Your coming kingdom. Amen.
- Pray that those who attend our service today will have a meaningful encounter with God.
- Pray for our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Jerilyn Bayer and the Children’s Ministry Associate, Annette Faszer. Pray for their Assistants: Abi, Amelia, Adelynn, Blythe, Clarissa, Domina, Olivia, and Sylvie.