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Devotional Guide for Friday, July 19

Philippians 4:4-9


Paul returns to his theme of joy. He calls the believers in Philippi to always rejoice, which I find to be a challenging yet powerful roadmap for life in all circumstances. Often, life can reveal some of the darkest areas of our hearts that would not have been discovered if not for the present circumstance.
In Alicia Britt Chole’s book, "Anonymous," she writes, "In spiritual winters, our fullness is thinned so that, undistracted by our giftings, we can focus upon our character. In the absence of anything to measure, we are left with nothing to stare at except for our foundation." Ouch.

This is why I think Paul takes an active approach to building one's formation and foundation: prayer, supplication, thanksgiving, thinking about whatever is worthy of praise, and practicing what you have learned and received. In other words, the call to joy and peace takes effort and work! There is a time to lament, a time for sorrow, a time for grief, a time for doubt, a time for disappointment—a time for everything. That's healthy and necessary. However, our souls must eventually surface from the depths and move forward toward promise.

When divine transformation meets our active participation, joy and peace are forged and strengthened.


How are you seeing God work in your life currently? How can you actively strengthen your foundation in the Lord?

Pastor Nathanael


  • Pray for our childcare team, the children and their families. Pray for the Director, Angie Clark.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
Categories: Devotional Guide